
  • 网络Oriental Bank;Orient Bank;Eastern Bank;United Orient Bank;Bank of East Land
  1. 我们已通过东方银行,向贵方开出发票金额的跟单汇票。

    We have draw on you against document for the amount of invoice through the oriental bank .

  2. 他尽量温和地告诉他的太太,东方银行的失败已使他倾家荡产。

    He broke the news to his wife as gentle as he could that he had lost all his fortune through the failure of the Oriental bank .

  3. 东方汇理银行:我们是项目融资专家

    Credit Agricole Indosuez : We are Experts in Project Financing

  4. 请通知法国东方汇理银行股份有限公司上海分行与全国银行间同业拆借中心联系,完成名称变更的相关工作。

    Please notify Calyon Corporate and Investment Bank , Shanghai Branch to contact National Inter-bank Funding Center , and to finish the relevant work on modification of the name .

  5. 1914年~1935年云南金融的发展一直是在与法国东方汇理银行的博弈中进行的。

    During 1914 ~ 1935 , the development of Yunnan 's finance experienced severe competitions with the French Huili Oriental Bank , which can be divided into three stages .

  6. 第一东方还在英国商业银行QuayleMunro拥有9%的股份。

    First Eastern also owns 9 per cent of Quayle Munro , a UK merchant bank .