
  • 网络Orientalism;oriental aesthetic
  1. 东方美学有独特的思维方式和诗性的理论系统。

    Oriental aesthetics has its unique thinking mode and poetic theoretical system .

  2. 东方美学的研究前景笔谈&全球化时代东方美学的角色

    Pen Conversations about the Prospect of Oriental Aesthetics Studies

  3. 几十年后,伊夫•圣•洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)等设计师再次从东方美学中获得灵感,其1978年的中国系列最能体现这一点。

    A few decades later designers such as Yves Saint Laurent once again found inspiration in the aesthetic , most visibly in his Chinese collection of 1978 .

  4. 论朝鲜古典诗话理论的东方美学特征

    On Eastern Aesthetic Characteristic of Korean Notes on Classical Poetry Theory

  5. 邱紫华先生是东方美学的拓荒者。

    Qiu Zihua is the pathbreaker of oriental aesthetics .

  6. 东方美学原始意象的表现形态

    The expression pattern of original images in eastern aesthetics

  7. 东方美学视野下的中国书法

    On Chinese Handwriting From The View Of Eastern Esthetics

  8. 原木是中华传统的精髓所在,是东方美学的历史见证。

    Log is the soul of Chinese tradition and a history testimony of oriental aesthetics .

  9. 独特的审美思维体系与诗性的美学理论&东方美学的总体特征论

    Unique Aesthetic Thinking System and Poetic Aesthetic Theory & On General Characters of the Oriental Aesthetics

  10. 东方美学中的意象理论

    Image Theory in Eastern Aesthetics

  11. 最终我决定依照现实生活中人们的反应,而不是追求东方美学。

    I decided eventually to go for the actual human reactions rather than the Eastern film aesthetic .

  12. “郎氏风格”的集锦摄影也因为具备了东方美学的特征而被西方主流认可,获得了荣誉。

    Long Chinsan has been approved and obtained the honor because of characteristic with eastern aesthetics by the western mainstream society .

  13. 寻找精神的净土&从东西方艺术比较看艺术的责任与功效东方美学和艺术是不同于西方美学和艺术的另一种美学体系和艺术形态。

    Seek for the Spiritual Pure Land : On the Responsibility and ; Eastern esthetics and art are quite different from that of western .

  14. 其中吸收西洋画派,发展出强调主观个性且具东方美学精神的梅原龙三郎(1888-1986)更为其代表。

    Ryuzaburo Umehara ( 1888-1986 ), trained in Western painting but developed a style which incorporated his subjective and Eastern aesthetics , was one such artist .

  15. 意象是东方美学中的核心范畴,它发源于中国古典美学,同时在东方其他各民族的美学体系中也有具体、深刻的体现。

    " Image " is the core in eastern aesthetics . It originated from classical Chinese aesthetics and is commonly seen in the aesthetic system of other eastern nations .

  16. 东方美学和艺术是不同于西方美学和艺术的另一种美学体系和艺术形态。由《天王送子图》和《西斯廷圣母》比较东西方宗教画的艺术特色

    Eastern esthetics and art are quite different from that of western . On Artistic Characteristics of Chinese and Western Religious Paintings from Born of Gautama Buddha and the Sistine Madonna

  17. 从中国的瓷器大规模远销欧洲始,代表东方美学的中国瓷器艺术就以其特有的魅力影响着这个时代的欧洲艺术。

    Since the time when chinaware was sold in Europe , its art which stands for the oriental aesthetics has influenced the European art of that period by its special charm .

  18. 李安将中国传统美学中的中和之美、意境之美融入其电影创作,这就使其作品呈现出与西方电影不同的东方美学特色。

    Ang lee made neutralize beauty and artistic beauty of Chinese traditional aesthetics in his film creation , which made his work displayed different Oriental aesthetic characteristics compared with those western movies .

  19. 从虚与实、动与静、意象、意境四个方面对摩尔的雕塑艺术中所蕴含的东方美学语汇进行了探讨。

    From four aspects , namely , emptiness and fullness , dynamic and static , imagery and artistic conception , the oriental eastern aesthetic vocabularies are explored in Henry Moore 's sculpture art .

  20. 拍这场戏时,我有很多内心斗争,最后发现这和我看待事物的方式有关,不仅仅是出于男人的角度,而是出于东方美学的角度。

    I went through a lot of internal struggles with the scene . And I realized it had a lot to do with the way I see , not only from a male 's perspective , but from the Eastern aesthetic .

  21. 中国民族电影在发展中,形成了具有东方意境美学特征的诗意电影形态。

    During the development of Chinese folk movies , the poetic movies , which are of eastern aesthetical character came into being .

  22. 《孙子兵法》以其辉煌的成就和独具特色的体系构筑了东方军事美学。

    SUN ZI 's The Art of War constitutes oriental military aesthetics by means of its brilliant achievements and its specific and characteristic system .

  23. 中国画意象的生成,是建立在中国特殊哲学背景和民族文化心理结构基础上的一种独特的东方艺术美学。

    Creation of images in Chineses paintings is based on the special background of Chinese philosophy as well as on the framework of the nation ′ s cultural psychology featuring an unique oriental art and aesthetics .

  24. 本文以东方暴力美学这个概念为总括,探讨香港商业电影在表现暴力场面时,与西方同类电影的区别所在。

    This thesis discusses the differences between oriental and occidental films in their handling violence scenes . Hong Kong commercial films are used as examples in exploring the concept of so called " Aesthetics of Oriental Violence " .

  25. 它的基本观念是吸收了西方现代派,但是又试图把东方的一些美学加进去。

    Its basic idea absorbed the Western modernism , but also added some of the Oriental aesthetic .

  26. 本文即以李小龍自身宣扬的「截拳道」精神,以东方哲学、美学的观点,赋予武学修辞的视觉思想语羣。

    The spirit of Jeet Kune Do , which Bruce Lee strives to promote , is endowed with the visual thoughts from the eastern philosophy and aesthetics .

  27. 他的理论直接来源于对中国戏曲实践的认识,是中国(东方)的戏曲美学观对西方戏剧模式的重大影响。

    His theory is directly derived from his understanding of Chinese plays and shows great influence of the aesthetic concepts in China ( the Orient ) on the West .

  28. 在矫正鼻尖肥大的同时对其伴发的不同畸形加以整复,从而使整体鼻部形态符合东方民族特色的美学标准,达到了满意的效果;鼻尖肥大的矫正应用综合性手术方法可以取得期望的效果。

    So that the overall shape consistent with oriental aesthetic standards and achieve a satisfactory result ; correction of the nasorostral hypertrophy used this combined surgical technique can achieve a desired effect .

  29. 本文以《大海》为例,主要论述了德彪西把东方绘画的艺术美学思想与其音乐创作相互融合的个人特色,分析了《大海》中融入的东方加美兰音乐元素及其它要素。

    The paper taked ' La Mer ' for example , and discussed the personal characteristic that Debussy fused the artistic aesthetic ideology of the oriental painting art and music creation , and analyzed oriental gamelan music elements and other factors of ' La Mer ' .

  30. 随着现代世界交往的密切,以及全球文明格局的改观,亚洲迎来了新的曙光,越来越多的学者以向往的目光看待东方文明,包括东方艺术和美学。

    As the communication of modern world grows closely , and the change of global civilization pattern , Asia has met its new dawn , more and more scholars tend to look at oriental civilization expectantly , including oriental arts and esthetics .