
  • 网络oriental studies;Orientalia;ASOR
  1. 她在东方研究学院学日语。

    She is studying Japanese at the school of Oriental studies .

  2. 艾兹拉·庞德是美国著名的诗人、诗歌评论家和意象派诗歌的主要代表。1912年,他在美国东方研究专家厄内斯特?

    Ezra Pound is the famous American poet , poem critic and vanguard of Imagism .

  3. 东方研究中心燕京研究所,是个专门研究中国问题的机构,受到美国著名中国问题专家费正清长期支持。

    Oriental Research Center , Harvard-Yenching Institute , a specialized study of China , the United States by the well-known China experts Fairbank long-term support .

  4. 庞德《神州集》中的东方主义研究

    A Study of the Orientalism in Ezra Pound 's Cathay

  5. 东方管理研究:理论回顾与发展方向

    Research on Oriental Management : Theory Review and Development Direction

  6. 英国文学的异国情调和东方形象研究

    Exoticism and Image of the East in British Literature

  7. 关于东方文化研究

    On the Research of the Oriental Culture

  8. 东方白鹤研究现状

    Current Studies on Oriental White Stork

  9. 同年,季羡林就任北京大学教授,不久后在该校创建了东方学研究院。

    In1946 he became a professor at Peking University and soon founded the department of Eastern languages in the university .

  10. 柳田国男:“传说与民间故事”,东方文学研究通讯,总第7期,2002(4),第39&48页。

    Translation fromYanagita Kunio : " The Legend and the Folktale ", in Newsletter of Eastern Literature Studies , vol.7,2002 No4,39-48 .

  11. 这些“东方文化研究者们”是想理解印度文化的英国人,而他们不知不觉中成了各宗教间接触的媒介。

    These " Orientalists " were the British who tried to understand India culture , and they unconsciously became agents of inter-religious contact .

  12. 西方制药公司宣布迄今为止已经达成了价值4亿美元的此类协议,而东方的研究者也通过利润分享和知识产权获得了收益。

    Western drug companies have announced around US $ 400 million of such deals so far and Eastern researchers are benefitting through profit shares and intellectual property rights .

  13. 因此所有这些问题,都来自于,赛义德对东方学研究中真理与价值之间关系的认识,他的观点来源于哪里?

    So all of these questions are then posed by Said 's sense of the relationship between truth and value in the history of Orientalist scholarship Now where is he coming from ?

  14. 中国东方文化研究会历史文化分会发起编纂出版《四库全书存目丛书》,在学术界引起强烈反响。

    The compilation and publication of the Listed Title Series of the Compete Library in Four Divisions , which is sponsored by the historical culture branch of China 's Oriental Culture Society , evokes strong repercussions in academic circles .

  15. JeffWaage是英国伦敦国际发展中心主任、伦敦大学东方及非洲研究学院的教授。

    Jeff Waage is director of the London International Development Centre and professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies , University of London , United Kingdom .

  16. 东方美学的研究前景笔谈&全球化时代东方美学的角色

    Pen Conversations about the Prospect of Oriental Aesthetics Studies

  17. 他最新选出的两篇文章分别是讲述一位20世纪初的美国砖匠的故事和一份对东方哲学家的研究。

    A recent selection included the life of an early-20th-century American bricklayer and a study of great Eastern philosophers .

  18. 赛义德东方主义的研究方法不适于东亚地区(特别是中国)的东方主义研究;

    His research approach was not quite suitable for the study of the Orientalism in East Asia ( especially China ) .

  19. 所以最终,为了将我所有时间用于东方教义的研究和实践,我离开了在大学教书的工作。

    So finally I left my college teaching job in order to devote myself full-time to the study and the practice of Eastern teachings .

  20. 其涉及东方的作品研究中,大多国内学者认为,他是利用对异域他者的建构,完成对欧洲社会的批判。

    As for the studies of his works concerning the East , most of the domestic scholars argue that Maugham is constructing the foreign Other to criticize the European society .

  21. 尽管如此,我身体状况足够健康,可以让我在高中和大学的空档年在印度教书一年,并且随后在伦敦东方与非洲研究学院拿下汉语学位。

    Despite this I was well enough to spend my gap year teaching in India and then take a degree in Mandarin at the School of Oriental and African studies in London .

  22. 同时,还将巴拉圭的东方市作为研究点,详细分析其对于我国和南美国家之间进行商业往来的重要性。

    At the same time , the author will choose Dongfang City of Paraguay as a research target and have a detailed analysis of its importance to business dealings between China and South American countries .

  23. 中国、印度两国古代几何的发展与交流,一直是数学史界比较关注的问题,因此,对两国几何学的比较研究是东方数学史研究的基本课题。

    The development of geometry in ancient China and India together with their intercommunication have been concerned in researches of the history of mathematics . It is an important topic to investigate characteristics of geometry in these two countries .

  24. 在中国科协领导下,分别成立了中国自然辩证法研究会易学与科学专业委员会和中国科学技术发展基金会东方国际易学研究基金委员会,简称“一院两会”。

    Under the leadership of the China Association for science and technology , Chinese Society for I-Ching Theory and science and Oriental International Association I-Ching of Chinese science and technology development foundation are respectively established , or " one academy and two associations " for short .

  25. 东方舞蹈文化比较研究文集。

    Corpus of comparative study on oriental dance culture ii .

  26. 本文选取东方卫视作为主要研究对象,这主要有以下两个方面的考虑。

    This has consideration of two following respects mainly .

  27. 东方马脑炎病毒研究进展

    Advance in the Study of Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus

  28. 基于核心竞争力的东方电子技术创新研究

    Research on the Technical Innovation of Dongfang Electronics Company Based on the Core Competence

  29. 古代东方秽与貊研究的再反思

    Thinking About the Study of the Hui and Mo Nations in Ancient East of China

  30. 洞庭湖区东方田鼠繁殖特性研究

    Studies on the breeding characteristics of Yangtze vole ( microtus fortis ) in Dongting Lake area