
  • 网络donghua university;DHU;NDHU;dhu.edu.cn
  1. 欢迎来到东华大学网球社的博客!

    Welcom to the Blog of DHU Tennis Club !

  2. 东华大学&贝加莱工业控制网络实验室在教学改革中的研究与探索

    The Application and Research of DHU B R United LAB on Teaching System Reform

  3. WEBOFSCIENCE&东华大学科学研究发展分析

    Web of Science & the Development Analysis on Subject of Donghua University

  4. 东华大学ISIWebofKnowledge数据库使用评估

    Using Evaluation of ISI Web of Knowledge Database in Donghua University

  5. 东华大学硕士学位论文基于网络辅助设计的面料QR系统的研究2利用网络辅助设计技术实现远程在线设计功能。

    Using the net aided design technology to realize the remote design function .

  6. 2004年加拿大卡尔顿大学(CarletonUniversity)斯普洛特商学院(SprottSchoolofBusiness)与上海东华大学(DonghuaUniversity)联合开设了EMBA项目。

    Canada-based Carleton University 's Sprott School of Business set up a joint-venture E.M.B.A.program in2004 with Shanghai 's Donghua University .

  7. 东华大学《SCI》、《ISTP》收录论文的分析与投稿信息

    The Analysis on the Articles of Donghua University Covered by SCI and ISTP

  8. 基于SCI-E数据库分析东华大学科研发展

    Development of Scientific Research in Donghua University Based on the SCI-E Database

  9. 充实而有光辉谓之大&东华大学科技史教学经验谈

    History of Science and Technology Teaching Experience in Donghua University

  10. 外文电子资源的评价分析&东华大学图书馆案例研究

    Evaluation of Foreign Electronic Resources : A Case Study of Donghua University Library

  11. 最后介绍东华大学在参加数学建模竞赛中所取得的成绩及其选拔、培训过程。

    Finally , the process of training , attendant selection and score are introduced .

  12. 最后,本文展示了通过本采集和预处理系统应用到东华大学研究生多媒体体验中心报表系统后得到的数据分析效果。

    Finally , the paper shows the Reporting System which based on this Data Gather and Pre-process System .

  13. 我希望向你们道歉,为了我最近在东华大学的演出之后,太匆忙的离开。

    I wish to apologize to you , for leaving so soon after my recent performance at your university .

  14. 在东华大学环境学院实验室建立一套垂直U型管埋地换热器传热性能实验测试系统。

    Establish a experiment testing system of the ground loop heat exchanger with U-bend Pipes in Donghua University Environment college .

  15. 沈见华出生于上海,曾经在上海工艺美术研究所工作和东华大学任教。

    Born in Shanghai , Shen use to teach in Shanghai Art & Crafts Academy as well at Donghua University .

  16. 在进入大学后担任东华大学校艺术团钢琴组队长,参加多次文艺演出。

    I was in charge of the piano group in the university , joining the large performance for many times .

  17. 本文介绍了上海东华大学松江校区冰蓄冷(电蓄热)区域供冷(供热)系统。

    Concentrated cooling ( heating ) system with ice storage ( electricity heat storage ) is designed for Songjiang area of Donghua university .

  18. 按照上述架构设计开发实现东华大学搜索引擎,并对分布式搜索的性能和准确度进行实验评价。

    Developed and implemented Donghua University search engine according to the above structure and evaluated the performance and precision of it by the experiment .

  19. 原住民自助文化研究的时代意义&东华大学族群所的文化实践

    The Significance of Study on Self-Culture of Indigenous People & The Cultural Practice of Institute of Ethnic Relations and Culture in Taiwan National Dong Hwa University

  20. 东华大学在此具有自主机体姿态调整能力的四履带足机器人行走机构研究的基础上研制开发出一种基于机体姿态调整的非结构环境双字形差动双连杆四履带足机器人试验样机。

    Base on the theory of the body attitude automatic adjustment which discussed in this paper , Donghua University developed a new type mobile robot mechanism .

  21. 由东华大学纺织学院和机械学院联合研制的多剑杆织机,综合了多项新型工艺,在技术上已经成熟。

    The multi-rapier loom developed jointly by Textile Institute and Machinery Institute of Donghua University , integrated a number of new process , is much maturer in technology .

  22. 东华大学族群所十年来的努力过程,期许着人类学与原住民研究之间有更好的互动与发展。

    More than 10 years ' effort made by Institute of Ethnic Relations and Culture in Dong Hwa University anticipates the better interaction and development between anthropology and indigenous people study .

  23. 不过,根据辞典编纂单位之一花莲东华大学,台湾原住民语言正因文化同化现象而死亡中。

    Taiwan 's indigenous languages , however , are dying out because of cultural assimilation , according to National Dong Hwa University in Hualien , which was one of the compilers of thee-dictionary .

  24. 摘要东华大学族群所本于文化知识的实践行动,于1995年创所之初即规划“原住民自助文化研究计划”。

    Program for study on self-culture of indigenous people was planned by Institute of ethnic relations and culture in Taiwan National Dong Hwa University at its founding in 1995 as a cultural practice .

  25. 这一部分展示了针对华东师范大学、上海交通大学、华东政法大学、东华大学等七所上海市高校的调查结果。

    It mainly shows the results of the investigation of East China Normal University , Shanghai Jiao Tong University , East China University of Political Science , Donghua University and Other seven universities in Shanghai .

  26. 东华大学在原有一项发明专利基础上进行二次开发,发明了一种新型非等径、变截面管道机器人行走机构,并将此发明技术成功应用于通风除尘管道清洗机器人开发。

    In this paper , a new design on ventilation pipeline dust cleaning robot was introduced , which was developed at Donghua University based on an invention patent on robot 's walking mechanism in non-constant diameter and section-variable pipeline .

  27. 东华大学经过半个多世纪的发展,现已发展成为一所以工为主,工、理、管、文等学科协调发展的多科性大学。

    After half a century 's development Donghua University has developed from a single disciplinary texile institute into a multi - disciplinary university with engineering as its main focus and natural science , management and liberal arts developing correspondingly .

  28. 珍珠共混再生纤维素纤维(简称珍珠纤维)是由东华大学和上海新型纺纱技术开发中心合作共同研发的一种新型功能性纤维,并已于2004年申报了国家发明专利。

    Pearl fiber which is short for Pearl Mixed Regenerated fiber is co-researched by Donghua University and Shanghai New Spinning Technical Center and it has applied to National Invention patent in 2004 as a new type of functional fiber .

  29. 表面清洁属于物理过程,应根据文物所属种类、文物的状态和表面特性东华大学硕士论文选择适当的清洁工具,否则会对文物产生负面的影响。

    The former is a physical process . According to the variety and the condition of cultural relic and surface characteristic , the conservators choose the appropriate tool used for surface cleaning . If not , it maybe has a negative effect .

  30. 训方面投入了大量资金和努力。”严诚忠代表是上海东华大学的一位教授,他表示制造业的升级需要高级人才。

    r products can compete in the world market . We also money and efforts innovation , quality improvement and personnel training . " Deputy Yan Chengzhong , a professor of Donghua University in Shanghai , said the upgrading of the manufacturing sector needs advanced talents .