
  • 网络northeast economic zone;northeast china;northeast economic region
  1. 东北经济区区域经济协作运行机制研究

    On the Operation Mechanism of Regional Economic Cooperation in the Northeast Economic Zone

  2. 东北经济区劳动就业形势分析与对策

    Analysis of employment in Northeast Economic Zone and countermeasure

  3. 东北经济区煤炭资源与开发的DSS研究

    The Study of DSS for the Coal Resources in the Northeast Economic Region

  4. 东北经济区产业结构升级的对策研究

    Strategy Study of Industry Structure of Economic District in Northeast China

  5. 关于培养东北经济区县域经济核心竞争力的研究

    On Cultivating Core Competence of County Economy in Northeastern Economic Zone

  6. 东北经济区地下水系统退化的环境效应

    Local environmental effect by the degradation of groundwater system in Northeast China

  7. 东北经济区城市发展趋势的分析

    Analyses on the developing trends of cities in Northeast China Economic Region

  8. 东北经济区地缘战略研究

    A Study on the Geopolitical Strategy of Northeast Economical Zone

  9. 东北经济区的区域演化特征及振兴方略

    Study on regional evolvement and flourishing guidelines and strategy in Northeast China

  10. 东北经济区城市职能(性质)的研究

    The study of functional classification of cities in Northeast China

  11. 东北经济区区域物流标准化需求及实施战略研究

    Study on Demand and Implementing Stratagem of Logistics Standardization in Northeastern Economic Region

  12. 东北经济区对外通道研究

    Study on the foreign passages in Northeast Economic Region

  13. 振兴东北经济区的战略选择

    Strategic Choice of Developing Northeastern Economic Zone

  14. 东北经济区综合运输通道建设与区域可持续发展研究

    Study on the construction of comprehensive transport passageways and regional sustainable development in Northeast China

  15. 产业集群战略与东北经济区发展研究

    A Study of the Strategy of Industry Clusters and Development of Economic Region of Northeast China

  16. 第二部分对东北经济区粮食物流铁路资源整合的必要性进行了详细分析。

    The second part have analyzed about the necessity that integration railway resources of grain logistics in China Northeast Economic Area .

  17. 论文的最后对东北经济区粮食物流系统的有效运作提出了若干对策与建议。

    The last part of the paper puts forward several countermeasures and suggestions to the effective operation of the Northeastern grain logistics system .

  18. 东北经济区对外贸易额的87.6%、辽宁省对外贸易额的94.7%都是通过港口运输完成的。

    The Northeast economic zone foreign trade turnover 87.6 % , Liaoning Province foreign trade turnover 94.7 % are all completed through the port transportation .

  19. 做强哈尔滨都市圈对于拉动黑龙江省经济发展、实现东北经济区振兴的目标具有十分重要的现实意义。

    The strengthening of Harbin metropolitan zone has very important realistic significance of pulling the economic development of Heilongjiang Province and the Northeast economic zone .

  20. 最后运用东北经济区区域物流节点体系规划,对区域物流节点体系规划进行了案例分析。

    Finally , the planning of regional logistics joints system in northeastern economic area of China is used as a case study to analyses planning of regional logistics joints systems .

  21. 东北经济区包括辽,吉、黑三省和内蒙古自治区东部的三盟一市。

    The Northeast China consists of three provinces ( Liaoning , Jilin and Heilongjiang ) and three leagues and one city in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia Autono-mous area .

  22. 经过多年的建设和发展东北经济区已经成为我国重要的商品粮基地,是保障我国粮食安全的重要力量。

    Over many years of development , the Northeast Economic Zone has become an important commodity grain base of our country , which is an main force to ensure food security .

  23. 全面对外开放,以开放促开发,促进国际合作,用地缘经济促进地缘政治的良性发展,为东北经济区快速发展营造良好的外部条件。

    To make an overall opening up to the outside world and to develop the area through opening and to accelerate the international cooperation and the healthy geopolitical development through geo-economical development .

  24. 辽宁省海岸带以海岸线为发展轴线,地处东北经济区的前沿,随着辽宁沿海经济带作为整体开发区域被纳入国家战略,必将加重海岸带受到人为因素的冲击。

    Following by Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone as the development of the region as a whole has been incorporated into national strategies , which will certainly increase the coastal zone by human impact .

  25. 本文在综合分析东北经济区运输通道发展现状与特点的基础上,对东北经济区综合运输通道对社会生态系统的正面与负面影响作了战略性与历史性的评价。

    Based on discussing the current developing situation and characteristics of the transport passageways in northeast China comprehensively , the paper evaluated and discussed their positive and negative impacts on social-ecosystem in northeast China historically and strategically .

  26. 东北经济区在经济发展过程中应当立足于现有工业基础和资源优势,并借助产业集群发展政策体系的扶持,尽快培育出具有一定优势的集群产业。

    During the development of the economic region of Northeast China , we should be based on existing industry base and resources advantage to expand competitive industry clusters as quickly as possible with support of the policy system of development of industrial clusters .

  27. 营口港作为东北经济区进出口货物最经济的优选运输链,被辽宁省确立为沈阳经济区6+1模式的出海港,其陆路运输成本较周边港口相对较低,具有非常重要的地位。

    As the most economical preferred transport chain of the Northeast Economic Zone in Import and Export , Yingkou Port was established as the harbor of Shenyang Economic Zone " 6 + 1 " pattern , its land transport costs are relatively low compared to the neighboring ports .

  28. 关于东北综合经济区提升为高新技术产业基地的现实论证

    Practical demonstration about upgrading the northeast comprehensive economic region to high-technology industrial base

  29. 城步县土地利用概念分区为:中部综合经济区,东北部经济区,东部重工业经济区,西南部经济区。

    Results of conception zoning of Chengbu city are the central economic zone , the economic zone of the northeastern , the eastern part of heavy industry and the economic zone of southwest .

  30. 大连地处环渤海经济圈和东北亚经济区的中心地带,堪称东北之窗。

    Dalian , which can be rated as the Northeast window , is located in the central belt of the circle surrounding the Bohai Sea and the economic zone of the Northeast Asia .