
dōnɡ jīnɡ rén
  • the Tokyoites
  1. 没有东京人在他们中间花言巧语胡出主意。

    There are no Tokyo dwellers lurking ominously in their gangs .

  2. 东京人对肌肤保养极为狂热,整形手术则至今仍不常见。

    Skin care is an obsession in Tokyo , and where plastic surgery remains uncommon .

  3. 纽约人平均睡6小时35分钟,是除东京人以外睡眠时间最短的。

    Those in New York slept six hours and35 minutes , the second shortest after Tokyo .

  4. 他们非常友善,比起东京人,他们享受着比较轻松的生活节奏。

    They are very friendly , and enjoy a more relaxed pace of life than people in Tokyo .

  5. 明子是东京人,曾接受平面设计培训,18年前来到纽约,在亨特学院上非母语英语教学课程,同时做酒保。

    Trained as a graphic designer , the Tokyo native arrived in New York 18 years ago and enrolled in an E.S.L. program at Hunter College while working as a bartender .

  6. 很多在东京的人害怕地震也许离他们越来越近。

    Many in Tokyo fear that earthquakes may be creeping closer .

  7. 要是绿猴子催眠了全东京的人怎么办?

    What if the gr een mon key hypnotiz es people all over tokyo ?

  8. 我觉得它实际上住起来会比从未造访过东京的人所期望的还要舒适。

    And it 's actually much more comfortable to live in than I thinkmany people who haven 't visited Tokyo might expect .

  9. 曾经在兴旺繁荣的80年代是东京有钱人最爱的威士忌,如今的销量已经降至顶峰时期的五分之一。

    Sales of whiskey , the favorite drink among moneyed Tokyoites in the booming80s , have fallen to a fifth of their peak .

  10. 我约上朋友真弓(Mayumi),她是东京本地人。我告诉她我麻烦的特殊要求:好吃但也不能太好;

    I met up with my friend Mayumi , a Tokyo native , and presented her with my annoyingly specific parameters : something good but not that good ;

  11. 但对于那些考虑搬到东京的人来说,现在倒是可以试试下面这个方法:利用这份调查和老板谈下更高的薪酬标准。事实上你即将前往的这座城市并非亚洲生活成本最高的地方!

    But for those of you thinking of the move to Tokyo , now 's the time to do it : the survey can help you negotiate a better package when you move to a city that 's certainly not the most expensive in Asia .

  12. 这位小姐值得一提,她是我在东京碰到的人里面,比较不友善的一位。

    She was one of the more unfriendly person I have met in Tokyo .

  13. 东京方面一些人提出的一个方案是,将14名战犯的灵位移至另一个神社。

    One idea being mooted by some in Tokyo is to remove the souls of the 14 war criminals to another shrine .

  14. 在纽约、北京和东京居住的人对工作更投入,每周工作时长分别是35.5小时,37.7小时和39.5小时。

    Residents of New York , Beijing and Tokyo are more attached to their jobs , working for 35.5 hours , 37.7 hours and 39.5 hours respectively each week .

  15. 我会想象他们可能为了数千美元而作画,但这些涂鸦艺术家也常常无偿作同,因为他们将在东京的每个人面前展示他们的画作。

    I would imagine they probably got a coupleof thousand dollars to paint , but often the graffiti artists do it for free aswell , because they 're gonna get their work up big in front of everyone inTokyo .

  16. 在东京,几乎每个人都坐地铁上班。

    Virtually everyone in Tokyo takes the train to work .

  17. 在东京列车座位每个人似乎都睡着了,不管他的旅程是长或短。

    In Tokyo trains everybody in a seat seems to be asleep , whether his journey is long or short .

  18. 一九三四年赴日本求学,并在东京参加中国剧人协会,诗歌座谈会等活动。

    He went to Japan to study in1934 , and joined Chines Dramatists Association in Tokyo , and attended forums on poetry .

  19. 每天早晨,东京有1100万人乘坐地铁,从黎明到上午,城铁和地铁都挤得没有一丝缝隙。

    Eleven million commuters use Tokyo 's transport network every morning , with suburban and subway trains reliably packed to the brim from first light to late morning .

  20. 我们东京办公室的负责人在大地震后首夜就收到了我们路易斯安那州商业银行业务负责人的电子邮件。

    You know , the guy who runs our Tokyo office got an email the first night after the quake from the guy who heads our commercial bank business in Louisiana .

  21. 尽管纽约号称“不夜城”,但是东京商务人士的睡眠时间比他们的纽约同行还要少,也少于巴黎、斯德哥尔摩和上海的同行。根据一项面向五个城市的调查,东京人在工作日的睡眠时间平均不足六小时。

    New York may be known as the city that never sleeps , but Tokyo business people get less time in the sackthan their New York peers -- and also those in Paris , Stockholm and Shanghai.According to a survey of five cities , people in Tokyo on week days sleep just under 6 hours on average ,