
  • 网络business process diagram
  1. 这样详细的业务流程图说明了业务参与者(BusinessActors)如何彼此协作。

    Such a detailed business process diagram describes how Business Actors collaborate with one another .

  2. Diagram选项卡显示带任务状态的业务流程图,如图18所示。

    The Diagram tab shows the business process diagram with task status , as shown in Figure 18 .

  3. 业务流程图以UML活动图来表示。

    Business Process Maps are represented as UML activity diagrams .

  4. 图2显示了IBMProcessDesigner中理赔业务流程图(BPD)的业务流程。

    Figure 2 shows the business process diagram for the claims process business process diagram ( BPD ) in IBM Process Designer .

  5. 在Inspector视图,您仍然可以看见业务流程图,并可以使用当前突出显示的步骤编辑业务流程图。

    In the Inspector perspective , you can still see and edit the business process diagram , with the current step highlighted .

  6. 基于统一建模语言UML技术,论文给出了系统的组织用例图、结构图、系统业务流程图和数据流程图。

    Technology based on the Unified Modeling Language UML , the paper gives the organization the system use case diagram , structure diagram , flowchart and data flow systems business .

  7. 给出了刮板输送机方案设计及选型信息系统业务流程图和UG模型设计加工流程图。

    This paper represents the professional diagram of scraping block conveyor scheme designing and type selecting information system and diagram of UG modern designing and machining .

  8. 并且基于C技术对系统的体系结构及逻辑架构进行具体分析和阐述,设计了业务流程图、用例图、时序图、E-R关系图,分析了系统开发及应用过程中的难点所在。

    And based on the C # technology on the system structure and the logical structure of concrete analysis and elaborate , design transaction flow diagram , use case diagram , sequence diagram , E-R diagram , analysis of the system development and application of process point .

  9. 笔者提出了基于DFMC的产品设计方法,并且通过产品建模阶段和产品实例化阶段的业务流程图来说明其业务流程。

    In this paper , the total design method based on DFMC is put forward . Furthermore , the product plan flow is illustrated by means of a flow chart for product modeling and instantiation .

  10. 允许以业务流程图的形式可视化监控模型。

    Enabling visualization of monitor models with respect to business process diagrams .

  11. 很多厂商提供能让用户具体画出业务流程图的工具。

    Many vendors provide tools that let users visually diagram business processes .

  12. 制作业务流程图,及相关的单证。

    Make the chart of business process , and offer the related documents .

  13. 再造原则确立后绘制新的业务流程图并进行流程步骤详细描述,最后研究流程再造实施及保障方法并对流程再造的前后效果进行了对比及绩效评估。

    Then draw new business flow chart and a detailed description of the process steps .

  14. 创建业务流程图的解决方案,包括流程图和工作流程图。

    Solution for creating Business Process diagrams , including flowcharts , and work flow diagrams .

  15. 在此基础上,整理出了系统的业务流程图和功能结构图。

    Based on this , the business flow diagrams and the function structure were established .

  16. 对系统各功能模块进行了深入的分析,并绘制出了业务流程图。

    It does a profound analysis for every functional module and draws a flow diagram to show the business .

  17. 为业务流程图和个人业务过程建模,确定加入其中的业务参与者。

    Model the Business Process Map and the individual Business Processes , and identify the Business Actors that participate in them .

  18. 包括用户的需求分析、系统的业务流程图、系统功能模块。

    The analysis of user requirement , the operation flow chart , the subsystem function charts are introduced in this article .

  19. 结合入库、出库及盘点工作的业务流程图详细阐述了两种系统的核心业务过程。

    Combination of storage , a library and inventory of the business work flow chart details the two systems of core business processes .

  20. 分析中将具体模块进行细分,并通过功能分析以及业务流程图详细描述各个模块的工作流程。

    Analysis of the specific module will be broken down , and functional analysis and business flow through a detailed description of each module of the workflow .

  21. 通过使用一系列各种各样的定义技术:文本、记事板、用例图、用户界面草图以及业务流程图等,来精化、获取并简化需求。

    Elicit , capture , and refine requirements by using a variety of definition techniques : text , storyboards , use-case diagrams , user interface sketches , and business process diagrams .

  22. 通过对燃料管理有关的组织结构的了解,运用多种需求调查方法,得出了各层业务流程图和数据字典等相关文档。

    Through understanding the fuel management related organizational structure and applying many kinds of demand investigation method , the author had obtained each service flow chart and the data dictionary and the related documents .

  23. 作者深入到长春一汽专用车厂进行调研,根据其采购流程,绘制了采购业务流程图,构建了知识地图,进行知识仓库维度建模。

    The author went to do the research in Changchun FAW . According to its procurement process , the author drew a business flowchart , constructed its knowledge map and knowledge warehouse dimensional module .

  24. 对税收机关实行税收执法责任制总体业务流程图给出了详细的分析描述,确定了整个系统的功能模块和设计原则、设计思想。

    The tax authorities on the implementation of the overall business tax enforcement responsibility flow chart gives a detailed description of the analysis to determine the function modules and the whole system design principles , design .

  25. 另外,在进行回归测试分析时,现有的研究一般基于程序流程图或单一的业务流程图,没有考虑到业务之间的联系。

    In addition , these techniques use the program data flow graph or the operation flow graph of a single operation and ignore the relationships between the operations which are also important for testing when performing the regression test analyses .

  26. 论文基于对检测数据的分析,得到数据流图和数据词典,并得出面向用户的业务流程图,进而完成了数据信息后处理子系统的设计实现。

    The paper is based on analysis of the detected data to obtain data flow diagram and data dictionary , and also to obtain operated flow chart . So , the work completed the realization of design of processing subsystem of tested data .

  27. 参照运输协议管理子模块的业务流程图构建子模块的用例图,并进一步细化给出了用例的状态转移图、顺序图和静态类图。

    The reference transportation agreement manages the sub - module the service flow chart to construct the sub - module to use the illustration , further thin produced shifted the chart , the smooth chart and the static state class chart with the example condition .

  28. 对高校设备管理系统进行了需求分析,分析中将具体模块进行细分,并通过功能分析以及业务流程图和数据字典程图详细描述各个模块的工作流程。

    To make needs analysis to the university equipment management system . It subdivides the every specific module . And through the functional analysis , business flow chart and data dictionary process diagram , it describes the each module of the process in detail . 2 .

  29. 本文借助用例图、数据流程图、业务处理流程图、IPO图以及程序流程逻辑图等图表对系统进行了总体设计以及各个模块的详细设计。

    With the help of use case diagrams , data flow diagram , business process flowcharts , IPO plans , and program flow chart logic diagram , etc. The system was design and detailed design of each module .

  30. 文中还给出了进口业务的流程图,这也是软件设计中简化的流程图。

    The flowchart of the import business which can simplify the software is also given .