
  • 网络Business accounting;business calculation;ppt
  1. 负责公司相关业务核算。

    Responsible for the company related to the accounting business .

  2. 货币发行业务核算系统的设计

    The Design for Accounting System of Issuance of Paper Money

  3. 广义的财务分析是指以会计核算资料为主、结合统计核算资料、业务核算资料和经济调查资料等,对企业的财务状况和经营成果进行分析。

    The broad sense finance analysis is to analyze mainly according to accounting , together with statistical accounting , business accounting and economy investigation material .

  4. 如何设计信托投资公司信托业务核算所需要的会计科目体系是信托会计亟待解决的难题。

    The essay expounds her views on the design of the trust accounting items system by advancing the aims , principles and contents of the system .

  5. 达到统一物料编码,实现数据共享、连接信息孤岛资源,获得严格参照采购订单验收入库、提高业务核算的准确性、确保合理库存降低采购成本的实效。

    The beneficial results include unifying material code , data sharing , connecting isolated information resources , accepting and storing goods strictly according to purchasing orders , higher accuracy in business accounting and lowering the purchasing cost by keeping rational inventory .

  6. 根据大连钢铁集团成本核算工作的现状和特点,通过分析企业对成本管理系统的功能需求以及业务核算流程,构建了企业成本控制模型,设计开发了车间成本管理系统。

    Based on Dalian Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd cost calculating status and characters , through analyzing requirement of enterprise for cost management functions and calculating flow , this thesis constructs cost controlling model , designs and exploits workshop cost management system .

  7. 实施内部控制制度可以保护企业资产的安全、完整与有效运用,提高经济核算(包括会计核算、统计核算和业务核算)的正确性与可靠性;

    Carrying out the inner part control system can protect the safety , complete and valid usage of the business enterprise property , raising the accuracy and the credibility that the economy check ( including accountancy checking , statistics to check to check with business );

  8. 浅谈进出口业务会计核算的特点和难点

    Features and Difficulties in the Settlement of Import and Export Accounting

  9. 浅议“分期付款”采购业务的核算

    Discussing the Accounting of Purchase Business on Installment Plan

  10. 浅议商业汇票业务的核算

    On Accounting for Commercial Bill

  11. 进一步讲解了工业企业经济业务的核算过程。

    Have explained the course of checking and calculating of the economic business of industrial enterprise further .

  12. 我国上市公司开展股票发行与赎回新业务及核算的研究

    The Research on the Issue and Redemption of Shares ' Carrying Out and Calculating of the Listed Company

  13. 设计了农用土地和生物资产具体业务的核算方法,为开展农用土地和生物资产的核算提供了操作指南。

    Forth , the paper designs calculation methods of concrete business about farmland and biological assets and this provides operation guide for calculation of farmland and biological assets .

  14. 纳税会计作为财务会计组成部分的核算模式,使增值税进项税额抵扣、递延流转税、递延所得税等涉税业务的核算存在弊端,解决上述弊端的有效途径是建立独立企业纳税会计。

    Pay taxes accountant at financial accounting the mode of adjustings of part , Make and wade tax adjust and have value-added tax income the amount of tax to be paid deduct , deferred questions of circulating tax adjusts by business .

  15. 委托代销中收取手续费的纳税认定委托代销业务的会计核算图解

    Tax Identification Imposed upon the Service Charge of The Commission Agent Sales

  16. 委托代销业务的会计核算图解

    The Illustrations of the Business Accounting on Commission Sale

  17. 随着会计制度的不断变革,会计核算的历史成本原则受到了冲击,越来越多的经济业务在会计核算中被要求通过修正的历史成本原则来反映。

    With the reforming of accounting system , the revisory historical cost is being used in certain business transaction instead of historical cost .

  18. 探讨如何进行开放式基金业务的会计核算及其会计信息的披露机制,并对开放式基金的会计信息在基金管理中的运用进行了分析。

    Moreover , it also deals with the mechanism of accounting report and information disclosure for OEF , analyses the utilization of accounting information in the management for OEF .

  19. 该方法以标准成本为计算依据,集成出入库业务及存货核算实现产品成本的计算、比较与分析,从而实现企业生产过程中对产品成本进行事前计划、事中控制与事后分析的目的。

    This method is based on standard costing , and realizes the costing comparing analysis about all products including operation about in-out stock , aiming for planning and controlling and analyzing the product cost .

  20. 采用了理论结合现状、发展策略与建设方案并重、语音和数据业务需求容量核算规划体系等方式方法。

    Using the theory combined with present situation , development strategy and construction scheme both voice and data , and the needs of the business accounting capacity programming system and so on ways and means , the RAN three-year rolling plan has been got .

  21. 公用事业业务支撑系统费用核算体系的研究

    Research on Cost Accounting Architecture of Utility Business Support System

  22. 因此,A银行业务流程及节点核算方法的改进势在必行。

    Therefore , A banking business processes and accounting methods to improve the node is imperative .

  23. 本文是对A银行业务流程及节点核算方法各项改进进行的研究。

    This article is the Bank of A business processes and the improved node accounting method for the study .

  24. 通过分析金融衍生工具的国际会计报告标准,结合跨国公司在本土和海外融资与金融投资活动案例,剖析现代金融衍生工具业务活动的会计核算实务技巧与方法;

    We analyze the accounting entries skills and methods on modern financial instrument 's transaction based on home and abroad finance and investment cases and international accounting report standard .

  25. 信息技术在现在金融行业中扮演着越发重要的角色,小到日常业务处理、账务核算,大到整个企业的经营管理、业务创新和决策支持,无一不体现信息技术的应用成果。

    Information Technology ( IT ) now plays an increasingly important role in the Financial Industry , as there are so many application of information technology in daily business dealing , accounting , even in enterprise-wide business management , business innovation , and decision support , almost without exception .

  26. 在优化管理流程、规范业务操作、提高业务核算的准确性等方面起到了良好的促进作用,管理水平有了显著的提升。

    They run well in optimizing work-flow , formulating business operation and can improve the accuracy of business accounting as well . However , business never stops a second .

  27. 本章先从传统会计业务流程解析到ERP下的会计业务流程,解构会计业务流程下会计核算方法的构成。

    This chapter analyzes from the traditional accounting business process to the accounting business process under ERP .