
  • 网络world music
  1. 合众宝华与中国国际广播电台CRI签署战略合作伙伴协议,共同推广中国民族世界音乐,为其他大型活动代理广告业务。

    ArtyBright signed the strategic partnership agreement with CRI , join hand to publish World Music and operate other advertising business for major events .

  2. 在JohnCage的预置钢琴乐曲中我们能听到甘美兰音乐的特点,藉于深入讨论及分析找出两者相似之原因,以验证现代音乐作曲家从世界音乐中汲取养料,获得灵感的普遍现象。

    I hear characteristics of gamelan music in John Cage 's prepared piano pieces , and I hope to find out the reasons that result in the similarity between these two musics in order to examine the common phenomenon of modern composers ' liaisons with world music .

  3. MIDI协议诞生于1983年,在26年的发展历程中,它逐渐渗透到了我们的音乐文化生活之中,对当代音乐活动的发展产生了积极的作用,并深刻影响着当代世界音乐文化。

    MIDI agreement was established in 1983 . During the development of the past 26 years , it gradually permeates into our music culture life , which has a positive effect on modern music activity and influences the music culture life deeply .

  4. 并不是说过去HMV有一块领域叫世界音乐,那像是大学里的音乐民族课,不是的,世界流行音乐更加地打破老旧的刻板印象,打破那种将我们隔开太久的人工界线。

    It 's not like , there used to be section in HMV called World Music , that was like Ethnomusicology class in college , no , but world pop is more about breaking and tearing down age-old stereotypes , the artificial confines that have kept us apart for way too long .

  5. 世界音乐的世纪与我们的对策:日本的世界音乐现状引发的思考

    My Thoughts Caused by the Current Situation of World Music in Japan

  6. 世界音乐研究的学术价值和文化意义

    The Cultural and Academic Relevance of World Music Studies

  7. 然而,顾名思义,世界音乐是一种包括范围很广的类别。

    However , as its name suggests , World Music is an expansive category .

  8. 中西方音乐共同构成了丰富多彩、多元共存的世界音乐文化。

    Chinese and Western music contribute to the colorful and multi-coexistent world music culture .

  9. 多元文化中的世界音乐

    A Musical World in the Pluralist Culture

  10. 世界音乐的声响诠释与变迁

    Interpretation and Evolvement of World Musical Sound

  11. 世界音乐文化的构建;

    The construction of world music culture ;

  12. 中国民族声乐具有丰富的民族音乐基础,民族声乐是世界音乐文化的组成部分。

    Second , the Chinese national vocality is one part of the world music culture .

  13. 心音.com&世界音乐人文叙事

    Narration of the World Music Culture

  14. 在世界音乐发展历史中,浪漫主义音乐是一个重要且不容忽视的历史时期。

    During the development history of world music , Romanticism music is an important history period .

  15. 世界音乐竞赛联合会

    Federation of International Music Competition

  16. 印度音乐在世界音乐之林独树一帜,具有特殊的文化属性。

    In the world music , Indian music has its own special item and special cultural characteristic .

  17. 世界音乐界说

    The Definition of World Music

  18. 《战争安魂曲》的创作在英国音乐史上和世界音乐史上有着重要的历史地位。

    War Requiem is of significant importance in the music history of both Great Britain and the world .

  19. 今天是世界音乐界的悲痛之日,灵魂乐的教父詹姆斯布朗与世长辞。

    Sad day for the world of music , the Godfather of Soul , James Brown has died .

  20. 教学内容设置较随意,缺少对世界音乐文化的认同。

    Second , the content of curriculum was set up unreasonably and lack the part of world music culture .

  21. 在这种背景下,长江文艺出版社引进的美国纽约城市大学研究中心创办的世界音乐图像学论文集《艺术中的音乐》(MusicinArt)在中国的出版,对于中国音乐学领域来说有着积极意义。

    Therefore , there is a positive meaning to the Chinese musicology for publishing Music in Art in China .

  22. 美国的格莱美音乐奖、拿大的尊依、利克斯奖和欧洲的世界音乐奖。

    Grammy Awards in the US , Juno and Felix Awards in Canada and World Music Awards in Europe .

  23. 民族民间音乐是世界音乐文化中的重要组成部分,是世界多元文化的重要内容。

    Folk music is the important component in the world music culture , is the important content of world multiculture .

  24. 正因如此,它或许不单只是一首非洲歌曲,更是一曲世界音乐。

    Because of it , perhaps the song is not just an African song , but also a global one .

  25. 在教学内容中加强中国传统音乐文化的传承、弘扬和以多元文化为基础的世界音乐的课程建设。

    Therefore also included in the curriculum should be the Chinese traditional music culture and world music based on multi-culture .

  26. 在历届世界音乐教育大会中,世界音乐文化的千姿百态,充分体现了多元音乐文化的和而不同。

    In all previous world music education conventions , the diversity of world music culture fully reflects harmony without sameness .

  27. 约瑟夫文森特是一个向上的新生代声乐艺术家,努力使自己在世界音乐领域有自己一席之地。

    Joseph Vincent is an up-and-coming acoustic ARTIST striving to make a name for himself in the world of MUSIC .

  28. 在不到5年的时间里,韩国在世界音乐市场上的排名已经从23位上升到11位。

    In less than five years South Korea has gone from the 23rd largest music market in the world to the 11th .

  29. 中国艺术歌曲是世界音乐文化中的一朵奇葩,更是中华传统文化的精髓之一。

    Chinese art song is the world music culture in a wonderful work , is the essence of Chinese traditional culture of .

  30. 罗伯特·舒曼是19世纪欧洲浪漫主义音乐的代表人物,世界音乐文化史上著名的作曲家。

    Robert Schumann in the 19th century representative of the European Romantic music , world music and cultural history of the famous composer .