
  • 网络World trade volume;Value of World Trade
  1. 现在中国对外贸易额占世界贸易额的比例很小。

    China 's foreign trade makes up a very small portion of the world 's total .

  2. 反过来,又促使世界贸易额的增长超过较高经济增长率所直接带来的结果。

    That would , in turn , increase the volume of world trade over and above that resulting directly from high growth .

  3. 世界贸易额目前正在急剧萎缩,并有可能在2009年出现27年来的第一次下降,他们说。

    World trade volumes are now contracting sharply and are expected to fall in2009 for the first time in27 years , they say .

  4. 目前朝鲜与外部世界的贸易额远远大于10年前。

    There is now far more trade with the outside world than there was a decade ago .

  5. 1970年世界服务贸易出口额仅为710亿美元,而2007年则达到了32600亿美元,33年间增长了46倍。

    In 1970 , the export of trade in services valued no more than 70 billion dollars , but this item increased 46 times , reaching up to 3260 billion dollars in 2007 .

  6. 全世界服务贸易进出口额年均增速超过了货物贸易,成为国际贸易领域的重要组成部分。

    With its overwhelming total volume of import and export , service trade has become an integral part in international trade .

  7. 相比之下,中国方面的数据显示,今年上半年中国与阿拉伯世界之间的总贸易额达到了创纪录的1200亿美元,比前一年增长36%&不过部分原因在于油价上涨。

    Conversely , overall trade between China and the Arab world reached a record $ 120bn in the first half of this year , according to Chinese figures , a rise of 36 per cent on the previous year – albeit inflated by higher oil prices .

  8. 此外,我们还必须执行为减少世界贸易壁垒、增加世界贸易额而制定的计划。

    In addition , we must carry out our plans for reducing the barriers to world trade and increasing its volume .

  9. 在这些可喜的消息传来之前9个月,全球制造业产出出现了第二次世界大战以来最剧烈的收缩,世界贸易额骤降,资本货物和耐用消费品的买家实际上都进入“罢工”状态。

    The welcome news comes after nine months of the sharpest contraction in global manufacturing output since the Second World War and a dramatic plunge in world trade as buyers of capital goods and consumer durables effectively went on strike .

  10. 科学技术的进步和各国政府的支持使世界农业在最近几十年有了长足的发展,世界农产品贸易额一直呈上升趋势。

    For the development of technology and science and the support of government , there is a very fast progress in world agriculture and the world trade in agricultural products is increasing .

  11. 世界商品和服务贸易虽然从70年代初以来有很大增长,但与国际金融交易额相比则相形见拙,后者是世界贸易额的五倍多。

    World trade in goods and services , though growing significantly since the early1970s , was dwarfed by international financial transactions of more than five times the value of world trade .