
shì jiè ɡuān
  • world view;outlook;world outlook;Weltanschauung
世界观 [shì jiè guān]
  • [world outlook] 对世界的总的和根本的看法

  1. 充实和丰富世界观理论是完善哲学方法的有效途径

    Substantiating and enriching the world outlook theory is an effective way of perfecting philosophical method .

  2. 一个人的世界观总是由不同类型的世界观所构成。

    One 's world outlook consists of various kinds of viewpoints .

  3. 一个人接受的教育必定会决定其世界观的形成。

    Your education is bound to shape your world view .

  4. 普里斯特利在科学上的理性世界观延伸到了宗教思想上。

    Priestley 's rational outlook in science carried over to religion

  5. 我和菲利普的世界观截然不同。

    We were quite different in outlook , Philip and I.

  6. 如果有什么东西能够破坏这种关系的话,那可能就是他们世界观方面存在的实质性差异。

    If anything sours the relationship , it is likely to be real differences in their world-views

  7. 多舛的命运和不断追求自我超越的个性使V·伍尔夫形成了一种旷达而又睿智的世界观。

    Woolf , British female writer , her world outlook of sagaciousness and broad-mindedness is formed as a result of her capricious fate and constant pursuit of self transcendence .

  8. WWF认可对于猎物狩猎这一行为在不同文化、世界观、道德背景下所持态度的多样性。

    WWF recognizes the diversity of cultural attitudes , opinions and ethics with regards to trophy hunting .

  9. 此外,穆扎克教授表示:“insead为那些不同于以美国为中心世界观的观点提供了一个平台和发言机会。”

    And , says Prof muzyka , an American : " INSEAD gave a platform and a voice to something other than the US-centric view of the world . "

  10. 一些人曾认为Ferrero-Waldner是更强有力的候选人,但是亚洲外交人士特别提到过,她拥有一个“狭隘的欧洲世界观”。

    Some had expected Ferrero-Waldner to be a stronger candidate but Asian diplomats in particular said she had taken a " narrow European view of the world " .

  11. 在降落之后,亚特兰蒂斯的船长ChrisFerguson宣布这是最后一次飞行,并且向大家做了讲话:我们大家都知道,宇宙空间站改变了我们的世界观,也改变了我们的宇宙观。

    Upon touchdown , Chris Ferguson , the Atlantis commander , declared this the last stop , then addressed Houston , and everyone else listening : You know , the space stations changed the way we view our world , and its changed the way we view our universe .

  12. 根据Chubbies公司的世界观,“长裤是工作的时候穿的,”而短裤&尤其是他们生产的短裤,则是运动、娱乐、泡吧或是爬喜马拉雅山的时候穿的。

    According to the chubbies worldview : " pants are for work , " while shorts their shorts are for having fun , or jumping off rocks , or playing beer pong , or climbing Everest .

  13. 他的世界观非常奇怪。

    His conception of the world is a very strange one .

  14. 生态哲学:生态文明时代的世界观

    Ecology Philosophy : World View in the Times of Ecology Civilization

  15. 高校青年党员教师世界观的改造

    Transformation of World Outlook of Young College Teachers with Party Membership

  16. 皮亚杰的新生物学世界观与转变课程思想的丰富隐喻

    Piaget 's New Biological World View and Its Impact on Curriculum

  17. 归根结底这是世界观问题。

    It all simmers down to a matter of world outlook .

  18. 东、西方的文字、思维和世界观

    East vs. west : languages , thinking and world views

  19. 复杂性范式的兴起与科学世界观的变革

    The rising of the complexity paradigm and change of the scientific viewpoint

  20. 实践是世界观与哲学方法统一的基础。

    Practice is the basis of the world and philosophical method unity .

  21. 首先,灾害伦理属于世界观、价值观的一部分。

    Firstly , disaster ethics are part of the worldview and values .

  22. 人以世界观整体地理解和活出生命。

    A worldview is a comprehensive understanding of and approach to life .

  23. 从雨果看浪漫主义作家的世界观和人物创造&兼议马克思恩格斯对浪漫主义的论述

    Viewing Romantic Writers ' Outlook and Character Creation from Hugo

  24. 人类中心主义是建立在二元论世界观基础上的,这种世界观具有内在缺陷;

    Human centralism is based on dualist outlook which is inherently defective ;

  25. 这是我的世界观。

    That 's kind of my view of the world .

  26. 那势必会对你的世界观产生深远影响。

    Its bound to have a profound effect on your world view .

  27. 怎样理解作为世界观理论的哲学?

    How Shall We Understand the Philosophy as A Theory of World View ?

  28. 不要放弃年轻人纯洁的世界观。

    Never gave up the dewy outlook of youth .

  29. 对巴尔扎克矛盾复杂的世界观进行了深入的研究;

    Profound research has been made of Balzacian complicated and contradictory world outlook ;

  30. 作家的世界观改造问题;

    The writer 's world outlook transforms the question ;