
  • 网络World Economy Study
  1. 华盛顿智库彼得森世界经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)主任伯格斯坦(FredBergsten)说,他预计G7实际上将成为G20内的富国核心层。

    Fred Bergsten , director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics , a Washington think tank , says he expects the G-7 will effectively become a rich-country caucus for the G-20 .

  2. “环中国圈国家”的提出,是世界经济研究的一个新范畴。

    The " China-rim Countries " is a new concept in research in the world economy .

  3. 基尔世界经济研究所

    Kiel Institute of World Economics

  4. 中国世界经济研究所经济学家桑百川说,这些数字只是表面文章,因为中国消费者的实际购买力要远远落后于日本。

    Beijing economist Sang Baichuang says the figures are good for bragging rights , but in terms of purchasing power , he says Chinese consumers lag well behind those in Japan .

  5. .“清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心主任李韬葵,注意到消费服务在世界第二大经济体中的角色越来越重要了。

    Li Daokui , Director of the Center for China in the World Economy at Tsinghua University , is among those noting the growing role of consumption and services in the world 's second largest economy .

  6. 加强经济理论、管理科学的研究和探讨,并应用于解决社会经济、企业生产等问题中,已是当代世界经济研究的潮流。

    Reinforcing the research and discussion of the economic theory management science as well as applying them to solve the problems in social economy , enterprise production ect . has been the research trend in modern world economy .

  7. 世界经济周期研究成果综述

    Summing up of Research Achievements on World Economic Cycles

  8. 第三世界社会经济研究基金会

    Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies

  9. 世界经济论坛研究人员称:“虽然那些成功人士并不会在每天早上做所有这些事情,但它们当中每一件都是开启新的一天的有效方式。”

    The WEF says : " While they might not do all of these things every morning , each has been found to be an effective way to start the day . "

  10. 本文从理论上探讨世界经济地理研究的依据和体系,指出现行教材编写存在的问题,提出编写的新建议。

    This paper is a theoretical inquiry into the basis and system in the study of the world economic geography , pointing out the problems in the current textbook in this field and putting forward suggestions to improve it .

  11. 北京世界经济与政治研究所(instituteofworldeconomicsandpolitics)研究员张明指出,由于缺乏经验和政治上的反对,中国公司走向海外时必然会遇到问题。

    Zhang Ming , a researcher at the Institute of world economics and politics in Beijing , said Chinese companies would inevitably face problems as they go overseas because of lack of experience and political opposition .

  12. 布鲁金斯学会(很NB的一个美国智库)的丹尼尔•考夫曼根据世界经济论坛的研究报告,注意到了和加拿大、英国、德国不同(见图表1),美国公司高层对本国立法机构的信心,自2002年以来,一直就在往下降。

    Daniel Kaufmann of the Brookings Institution , examining surveys by the World Economic Forum , notes that the confidence of American business executives in their legislature has fallen steadily since 2002 , while that of their Canadian , British and German peers has not ( see chart 1 ) .

  13. 授予韩国学者名誉研究员仪式在中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所举行

    Ceremony Held to Grant Honorary Title to Korean Social Scientist

  14. 第三世界经济和社会研究中心

    Centre of Economic and Social Studies of the Third World

  15. 托洛茨基关于苏联与世界经济关系思想研究

    On Trotsky 's Thought about the Relation Between Soviet and World in Economy

  16. 然而世界经济论坛的研究还提供了其它教训。

    Yet the WEF study has other lessons too .

  17. 中亚地区经济特点及与世界经济的比较研究

    The Studies of Central-Asia A Comparison of the Economy in Central-Asia Areas and the World

  18. 道德风险问题和契约机制是当今世界许多经济学者研究的重点和难点问题。

    Moral hazard problems and contract schemes are considerable issues and the toughest questions which a lot of economic scholars study of at presents .

  19. 除了曾在央行任职,他还担任过中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所所长。

    Besides his central bank role , he is former head of the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  20. 世界经济危机新特点研究

    On the New Features of World Econonic Crises

  21. 世界经济和国际关系研究所

    Institute for World Economics and International Relations

  22. 20世纪70年代早期,居住在莫斯科的伊丽娜正在世界经济和国际关系研究所工作。

    In the early 1970s , Irina was living in Moscow working for the Institute of World Economy and International Relations .

  23. 比较世界经济史的深入研究表明,制度创新是导致美国、德国及日本相对于英国后来居上的最重要因素。

    Comparative studies of world economic history illustrate that institutional innovation is the most important factor to lead such late comers as USA , Germany and Japan to have caught up with and surpassed the Great Britain in the past centuries .

  24. 通过对国际金融危机下深圳经济总体状况以及世界经济发展趋势的研究,并以亚洲金融风暴下的韩国产业转型为例,论证深圳产业结构调整、发展文化创意产业的必然性。

    Demonstrate inevitability of adjustment of industry structure and development of cultural and creative industries through research on the general economic situation of Shenzhen and the general trend of economic development of the global under the background of the international financial crisis .

  25. 其次,从研究的内容上看,全球化的出现既丰富了世界经济学的研究空间,也对世界经济学的研究内容本身提出了挑战。再者,世界经济的研究手段、工具到底是什么?

    Secondly , globalization has undoubtedly enriched the research capacity of world economics while challenges its research content .