- 名world economic prospects
On Tuesday the International Monetary Fund released its latest World Economic Outlook .
Its work , spearheaded by the " world economic outlook , " is regarded as first class .
The International Monetary Fund 's latest World Economic Outlook includes a fascinating chapter on global real interest rates .
The dilemma facing economists was demonstrated in the International Monetary Fund 's latest update to its World Economic Outlook .
The gloom is justified , as the update of the world economic outlook from the international monetary fund makes plain .
The IMF 's latest batch of economic forecasts will be released next week in an update to its twice-yearly World Economic Outlook .
To understand why , take a look at the latest World Economic Outlook report from the International Monetary Fund , released this week .
The International Monetary Fund 's World Economic Outlook , published three months after the attacks , thought that losses to the US economy could total $ 75bn .
In its twice-yearly World Economic Outlook , the fund said emerging market and developing economies were still strong and the US was doing much better than the eurozone among advanced economies .
In emerging markets - previously bright spots for luxury brands - " prospects across countries remain uneven and generally weaker than over the past two decades , " the IMF 's World Economic Outlook reported .
As the IMF says in its semi-annual world economic outlook , the " spillovers " from weaker economic growth " have lowered commodity prices and weighed on activity in many commodity exporters " .
The International Monetary Fund expressed concern in the world economic outlook published this week that oil scarcity combined with rapid growth in oil-intensive emerging economies would continue pushing oil prices higher year after year .
The fund has recently told countries they could do better to improve medium-term prospects , but the World Economic Outlook is the first since 2011 to suggest economies are putting the 2009 financial crisis behind them .
The IMF , in its World Economic Outlook , said : By any measure , this downturn represents by far the deepest global recession since the Great Depression .
The IMF produces about 650 publications a year , ranging from the high-profile world economic outlook and financial stability report to working papers and submissions to outside journals .
In its twice-yearly world economic outlook , the IMF said share price falls in late February had been " more of a modest correction " than a fundamental change in market sentiment and that equities remained close to all-time highs .
In its latest World Economic Outlook , the IMF uplifted its assessment for the growth of major economies around the world in 2018 , with China up by 0.1 % to 6.6 % .
That output gaps are statistically meaningless , however , has not stopped the International Monetary Fund estimating in its latest World Economic Outlook report that output gaps in the US and Europe today measure about 3-5 per cent of potential output .
In October , the International Monetary Fund 's World Economic Outlook database forecast that by 2018 , China 's economy will be bigger than that of the U.S. -- and Asian economies will be bigger than those of the U.S. , Canada , Germany , Britain , Italy , France and Russia combined .
The IMF released its latest World Economic Outlook on Tuesday .
Prospect for 1999 Global Economy and Tactics of Our Country
The figures come as part of the latest IMF World Economic Outlook report .
Expert group on the world economic outlook ;
World Economic Outlook , 2001
The WEO does not discuss the possibility of a catastrophic breakdown of the international financial system .
This is a big shift from the 0.9 per cent increase over that period forecast in the January WEO Update .
In the short term , at least , the crisis also marked a reversal of the " global imbalances " , as the WEO update notes .
The International Monetary Fund paints a mixed picture of the global economy in its new world economic outlook released today ahead of its annual spring meetings .
Despite its name , it gives excellent and wide-ranging coverage of general news and particularly of international political developments and prospects bearing on the world 's economy .
As an analysis in the IMF 's new World Economic Outlook makes clear , each of these characteristics points to a deep recession and a weak recovery .