
  • 网络World Day;SUNDAY;World Environment Day;worldearthday;worldsday
  1. 克服极度贫困世界日;

    World day for overcoming extreme poverty ;

  2. 安南秘书长在防治荒漠化和干旱世界日的致辞

    UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan 's Message on the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

  3. 值此防治荒漠化和干旱世界日,让我们重申对防治荒漠化和土地退化以及减少干旱影响的承诺;

    On this Day , let us reaffirm our commitment to combating desertification and land degradation and mitigating the effects of drought ;

  4. 3月21日是世界诗歌日。

    World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21 March .

  5. 为了庆祝世界读书日,这家书店在4月23日以较低的价格出售书籍。

    To celebrate the World Book Day , the bookshop sold books at a lower price on April 23rd .

  6. 在7月16日世界表情日到来之前,Adobe于7月15日发布了《2021年全球表情符号趋势报告》调查结果。

    The software maker on Thursday released the findings from its 2021 Global Emoji Trend Report ahead of World Emoji Day on Saturday .

  7. 接受“世界地球日挑战”

    Take on the Global Earth Challenge

  8. 今年2月,原田和明推荐他参加世界木材日举办的机关人偶项目。

    In February , Kazuaki recommended him for the Automata Program during this year 's World Wood Day .

  9. 如果你有喜爱调研的家人,可以让他们下载世界地球日挑战应用,收集社区中关于空气质量和塑料污染的数据。这是一个让自己和他人了解在当地怎么做才能有助于减轻地球压力的理想方式。

    If you have family members who love to investigate , have them download the Global Earth Challenge app and collect data about the air quality and plastic pollution in your community . This is an ideal way to teach yourself and others about actions you can take locally to help lessen the stress on the planet .

  10. 示威活动将在4月22日“世界地球日”(EarthDay)这天达到高潮,届时全美及世界各地的城市将举行“挺科学游行”(MarchforScience)。

    These will culminate in a March for Science on April 22 , Earth Day , in cities across the US and worldwide .

  11. 世界婚纱日最早起源于英国每年8月25号举办的国家婚纱日,最初由英国一家名为《takeabreak》杂志社的员工发起。

    The wedding day originating in Britain annually held on August25th wedding day , original state by a British called a magazine of the employees .

  12. 世界IPv6日已被证明是非常成功的。

    World IPv6 Day proved to be a success .

  13. 世界IPv6日的主要目标是在现实世界受控条件下,发现使用IPv6可能遇到的潜在问题。

    A key goal of World IPv6 Day was to expose potential issues with real-world IPv6 use under controlled conditions .

  14. 上周三,6月8日是世界IPv6日,这是互联网协议版本6的第一次重大部署。

    Last Wednesday , June eighth , was World IPv6 Day -- the first major of Internet Protocol version 6 .

  15. 但也是在1970年,环保运动人士第一次举行了“世界地球日”(EarthDay)。而且在45年前的9月,国会通过了颇具影响力的新《清洁空气法》(CleanAirAct)。

    But 1970 was also the year the environmental movement held the first Earth Day and when , 45 years ago this month , Congress passed a powerful update of the Clean Air Act .

  16. DougSzajda说,这就是上周互联网社会(ISOC)发起世界IPv6日活动的真正目的。

    Mr. Szajda says that was the real purpose of last week 's World IPv6 Day ed by the Internet Society .

  17. 祖玛在世界艾滋病日发表的演说中提及“新时代的曙光”的来临。在艾滋病问题上,他的态度与前任塔博·姆贝基相比截然不同,后者曾质疑HIV病毒与艾滋病之间的联系。

    On World AIDS Day , Zuma spoke of " the dawn of a new era " in a speech where he took a markedly different approach from his predecessor , Thabo Mbeki , who had questioned the link between HIV and AIDS .

  18. JohannesRau总统在联合国粮食及农业组织世界粮食日活动上的讲话&德国总统网页

    Speech by Federal President Johannes Rau to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ) marking World Food Day-Germany President 's Page

  19. 本周三是世界地球日。就前美国航空暨太空总署太空人埃德加-米契尔和其他UFO狂热者而言,真实的事件正发生于某些地方。

    Earth Day may fall later this week , but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned , the real story is happening elsewhere .

  20. 通过对哮喘管理的循证指南这些资源和每年一度的世界哮喘日这类事件,GINA努力工作增强哮喘患者的生命力。

    Through resources such as evidence-based guidelines for asthma management and events such as the annual World Asthma Day , GINA is working to improve the lives of people with asthma .

  21. 但在接受采访时,JohnConly教授认为过度使用和滥用抗生素导致抗菌素耐药性,即2011年世界卫生日的主题,是更为重要的问题。

    But in this interview , Professor John Conly argues that the overuse and misuse of antibiotics leading to antimicrobial resistance – the theme of World Health Day2011 – is the more important topic .

  22. 1961年以来,每年的世界气象日,世界气象组织(WMO)执行委员会都要选定一个主题进行宣传,以提高世界各地的公众对自己密切关注的气象问题的重要性的认识。

    In the World Meteorological Day ( WMD ), a topic is chosen by WMO every year since 1961 for the public in the world to enhance the understanding of the importance of the meteorological problem concerned .

  23. 中国经济可持续发展与生态环境问题的再思考&为联合国将6月5日定为世界环境日30周年而作

    Reconsider the Problem of Sustainable Development of Chinese Economy and Environment

  24. 这亦是2010年世界爱滋病日主题。

    This in fact is the theme of World AIDS Day2010 .

  25. 但是世界艾滋病日并不只是发展组织的节日。

    But World AIDS Day is not just for development groups .

  26. 世界卫生日不仅仅是一个为期一天的活动。

    World Health Day is more than just a one-day event .

  27. 每年的十二月一日是世界爱滋病日。

    World AIDS Day falls on the1st of December every year .

  28. 现在是六月,这意味着2010年世界海洋日已经来了。

    Its June , and that means World Oceans Day 2010 .

  29. 通过纪念世界肝炎日,提高全球意识;

    Increasing global awareness through the commemoration of a World Hepatitis Day ;

  30. 2003年世界卫生日现场咨询活动效果调查

    Effectiveness of On-the-spot Counseling in the World Health Day 2003