
shì jiè zhènɡ zhì
  • world politics
  1. 多极化、区域化成为世界政治的主要趋势。

    Multipolarity and regionalization became the main trend of world politics .

  2. 他把那个国家推向了世界政治的最前沿。

    He brought the country to the forefront of world politics .

  3. 如果他们在欧洲获得成功,他们将会改变世界政治和经济格局。

    If they succeed on Europe , then they will have reshaped the political and economic map of the world

  4. 世界政治体系正处于混乱状态。

    The world political system is advancing towards disorder .

  5. 世界政治的法律化:国际制度主义理论的新探索

    Legalization of World Politics : A New Exploration into International Institutionalism

  6. 美国应该放弃世界政治“警察”的角色。

    USA should give up " Policeman " role of world politics .

  7. 科学技术在世界政治中的约束价值

    The Binding Value of Science and Technology in World Politics

  8. 试论中国在未来世界政治格局中的战略定位

    On the Strategic Position of China in the Future World Political Structure

  9. 世界政治制度文明的历史发展相继呈现出自然生长与理性选择的阶段。

    Its development presents the features of natural growth and rational choice .

  10. 当前世界政治格局的影响因素及我们的对策

    Factors having impact on world current political pattern and actions we should take

  11. 谈当前世界政治的本质特点

    On the Basic Characteristics of the Present World Politics

  12. 世界政治与经济问题专题

    Special Subject on Politics & Economy of the World

  13. 试论冷战后的世界政治格局

    On the Post-Cold-War Multi-polarization of the World Political Structure

  14. 变动中的世界政治与日本问题

    The Changing World Politics and the Japan Issues

  15. 饥饿问题不仅是一个全球性问题,而且是一个世界政治问题。

    Hunger is not only a global problem but also a world political problem .

  16. 第三,经济全球化极大地影响着世界政治格局的发展。

    Third , economic globalization will have a great impact on world political patterns .

  17. 这种局面的出现,有着其特定的历史背景和世界政治经济形势变化的因素。

    Special histroy background and world politic and economic changing situation caused this happened .

  18. 世界政治与社会的重建

    The Political and Social Reconstruction of the World

  19. 世界政治舞台上,好人打败坏人并不经常可见。

    It doesn 't often happen in world politics that the goodies defeat the baddies .

  20. 战后世界政治与国际关系

    Postwar World Politics and International Relations

  21. 协商政治是当代世界政治文明发展的一种崭新范式。

    Consultative politics is a new model in the development of contemporary world 's political civilization .

  22. 当代世界政治和历史

    Politics and History of Contemporary World

  23. 世界政治概述

    An Overview of World Politics

  24. 它是二战结束后世界政治经济中广泛兴起的政治现象,它强调区域性安排在国际关系中的地位和作用。

    After the second world war it is the political phenomenon in the international politics and economy .

  25. 报纸上满是关于世界政治三巨头会晤的报道。

    The newspaper was covered with reports of the meeting of the three political titans in the world .

  26. 该协会旨在促进对阿拉伯世界政治文化的了解。

    The Institute is intended to promote an understanding of the politics and culture of the Arab world .

  27. 在教育、文化和世界政治等方面有领导地位。

    It 's leading in education , in culture , in world politics and so on so forth .

  28. 科学技术已成为影响世界政治经济格局的重要方面。

    Science and technology has become an important role in the political and economic structure of the world .

  29. 伊拉克危机是一个重要的标识和信号,表明统一德国已经重新步入世界政治大国行列。

    The Iraq crisis is a landmark and sign of Germany returning to the world as a political power .

  30. 腐败分子跨国洗钱严重威胁世界政治经济秩序,腐蚀着健康的国民经济体系。

    Money laundering activities are threatening the order of the world 's politic economy , eroding healthy national economic system .