
  • 网络generation interval
  1. 平均世代间隔为4.176年。

    The mean generation interval of the population is 4.176 years and the total breeding gain is 63.198 Yuan .

  2. 纯系公母猪使用年限延长,使世代间隔延长,选择强度增加,年遗传进展降低,并最终导致育种效益降低。

    Increasing production lifetime could prolong generation interval , which increased selection intensity but decreased genetic gain per year and breeding profits .

  3. 现行的育种方案各选择组公母牛使用年限不合理,育种成效不甚理想,全群平均世代间隔7.270年,投入产出比为1:5.76改进余地很大。

    The mean generation interval of flock is 7.270 years of the current breeding scheme and the ratio input and output is 1: 5.76 . But the present use-age of dam and sire is irrational .

  4. 与哺乳动物的乳腺生物反应器相比,家禽输卵管作为生物反应器则具有个体小,产蛋量高,世代间隔小,易于规模化生产,禽蛋中蛋白含量相对较高等优势。

    Compared with mammalian mammary gland bioreactor , using poultry fallopian tubes as a bioreactor has more superiority that individual small , high egg production , and generation interval smaller , easier to mass production , relatively high protein content in eggs and other advantages .

  5. 繁殖成活率是养羊业的一项重要综合性经济指标,高的繁殖成活性能不仅能增大数量,提高经济效益,而且能加快羊群周转,缩短世代间隔和加速育种进程。

    Reproducing survive rate is an important integrative economic index , higher reproducing survive performance can not only augment amounts of the herds , enhance economic benefit , but expedite the velocity of turnover of the herds , shorten generation distance and accelerate breeding course .

  6. 现行方案世代间隔为4.48年,投入产出比为1:14.04,公羊后裔测定的后代数低,种公母羊的利用年限较长,还有较大的改进余地。

    The generation interval of current breeding scheme is 4.48 years , ratio of input and output is 1:14.04 , the number of ram progeny test is low , and the useful life of ram and ewe is longer and so on can be improved . 3 .