
zhuān mài jià ɡé
  • monopoly price
  1. 在少女衣物专卖部门的价格要便宜是有道理的:质料廉价。

    There 's a reason the prices are cheaper in the teen department : The fabrics are cheap .

  2. 针对这一特点,在分析了我国卷烟需求和价格关系的基础上,基于我国卷烟专卖制度的价格管理制度,建立了利润最大化目标的价格策略模型。

    According to this characteristic , based on analysis of relation between tobacco demands and prices , a profit optimum price strategy model is set up in the tobacco sales system of price management .

  3. 我们没有专卖店高昂的价格,确有同等质量的材质,多姿精美的款式与优质的服务。

    Compared to specialty stores , we offer the same quality , varieties of styles and service , but a much lower price .