
zhuān lì shēn qǐnɡ shū
  • patent application;application for patent
  1. 近日,该公司提交了一份专利申请书,描述了乘客在自动驾驶汽车上如何通过虚拟现实(VR)头戴式受话器来打发时间。

    The firm has filed a patent that describes how passengers in autonomous vehicles could pass the time with VR headsets .

  2. 一份关于该化合物用于分泌性疾病治疗的专利申请书正等待批准。

    An international patent application for the use of this compound to treat secretory diseases is pending .

  3. 专利申请书得仅由代理人签名或盖章,申请人毋庸签名或盖章。

    Patent applications require only signatures or chops by patent agents , and need not include signatures or chops from applicants ;

  4. 1992年,罗斯在专利申请书上写的是“电子阅读设备”。1995年,由于未能支付申请费用,这一专利申请被声明放弃。

    Ross pitched these as " electronic reading devices " in his 1992 patent request , which was abandoned in 1995 after he failed to pay the application fee .

  5. 布里切特在加盟推特公司之前为“下拉刷新”功能提出了专利申请,预计很快就会下达的专利申请书现在归推特公司所有。

    Mr. Brichter filed to patent the ' pull-to refresh ' feature before joining Twitter , and the patent application , expected to be issued soon , is now owned by Twitter .