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chǒu xíng
  • ignominy;notorious conduct;indecencies;malconduct;scandal
丑行 [chǒu xíng]
  • [malconduct] 丑恶的品行;恶劣的不光彩的行为

丑行[chǒu xíng]
  1. 迄今还没有人宣称对最近的爆炸丑行负责。

    No one has yet claimed responsibility for this latest bomb outrage .

  2. 他以往的丑行被发现时,人们感到震惊。

    It was a shock to discover the truth about his sordid past .

  3. 在公共市场上,她周围泛滥着对她丑行的种种议论。

    Infamy was babbling around her in the public market-place .

  4. 他涉及掩盖水门丑行。

    He was involved in covering up the Watergate escapade .

  5. 过分的虔诚是我们女人的丑行。

    An exaggerated devotion is the scandal of our sex .

  6. 如再出现任何丑行的迹象,他将被迫辞职。

    Any further hint of scandal and he 'll be forced to resign .

  7. 掩盖丑行的最佳途径,居然是持续不断地在公众视野中亮相。

    The best concealment for abuse was constantly being in the public eye .

  8. 这事称为马可尼丑行。

    It became known as the Marconi scandal .

  9. 丑行暴露后,许多人呼吁弹劾总统。

    When the scandal broke , many people called for the president 's impeachment .

  10. 其直接后果是官僚丑行遭到曝光。

    The immediate result was bureaucratic recriminations .

  11. 以你的名义将丑行免除?

    To privilege dishonour in thy name ?

  12. 英国共谋此次破坏行动,这种丑行的恶劣影响将超过任何其他短暂的冲突。

    British collusion in such destruction is a scandal that will outlive any passing conflict .

  13. 他又向我说:「你进去看一看他们在那里所做的穷凶极恶的丑行。

    And he said to me : Go in , and see the wicked abominations which they commit here .

  14. 英美合谋抢掠伊拉克文化遗产丑行的影响异常深远,将超过任何其他短暂的冲突。

    British and American collusion in the pillaging of iraq 's heritage is a scandal that will outlive any passing conflict .

  15. 对这些丑类与丑行的羞见与羞思,同时就是对自己灵魂的净化。

    These rascal and a disgrace to see the scandal and shame thinking , at the same time is to purify their souls .

  16. 丽迪雅这次的丑行,一开头就造成了这样不良的后果,再想起这件糟糕的事,她心里更加痛苦。

    and in this early example of what Lydia 's infamy must produce , found additional anguish as she reflected on that wretched business .

  17. 从纽伦堡对个人丑行的审判,再到新近的研究显示,纳粹德国时期的医生们在所具备的能力和所表现出的残忍方面呈现出了巨大的矛盾性。

    From the Nuremberg Trials to recent research , there is a huge contradiction between the ability and the brutality of the nazi doctors .

  18. 但是至少基督教友间在同性恋问题上相互指责的丑行一段时间内应该不会再出现在头条新闻上了。

    But at least the unedifying spectacle of comrades in Christ tearing strips off each other over gay sex will vanish from the headlines for a bit .

  19. 玩家的缺点会丰富你扮演的体验;试想一下,谁能忘怀詹姆的丑行,提利昂的身材或是琼恩的出身?

    Character flaws are a way to enrich your role-playing experience ; after all , who can forget Jamie 's infamy , Tyrion 's dwarfism , or Jon 's bastardy ?

  20. 晚清社会小说观念产生于作家、理论家对现实的思考,现实品格成为这类小说的突出特征,或抨击时弊,揭露官场丑行;

    The conception of the social novels in the late Qing Dynasty stemmed from the writers ' examination on the reality , which was the prominent feature of this kind of novel .

  21. 《无风之树》、《檀香刑》、《丑行或浪漫》这三部长篇小说在民间叙述的相同目标下有各自的叙事特征。

    With the same goal of telling folk stories , three novels as Wu Feng Zhi Shu , Tan Xiang Xin and Chou Xin Huo Lang Man have their respective narrating features .

  22. 现在,我就张炜,这一最早回归民间的作家之一的最近一部作品《丑行或浪漫》,来探究一下它其中所包含的自然主义因素。

    Now , I Zhang Wei , the earliest return to civil author of a recent one of the works " indecencies or romantic ", which to explore what it contained natural factors .

  23. 现今你的结局已到:我要向你发泄我的愤怒,按你的行为裁判你,按照你所有的丑行报复你。

    Now is an end come upon thee , and I will send my wrath upon thee , and I will judge thee according to thy ways : and I will set all thy abominations against thee .

  24. 委员会成员认为这封电子邮件是一个迹象,表明新闻集团的高管们试图宣称只有一名“流氓记者”应对电话窃听行为负责,是在掩盖涉及面更广的丑行。

    The e-mail is seen by committee members as a sign that senior executives at the company covered up an extensive scandal by claiming only a single " rogue reporter " had been responsible for phone hacking .

  25. 讲到保守秘密,简直就没有第二个人比他更能使她信任;不过,这一次如果是别的人知道了她妹妹的丑行,她决不会象现在这样难受。

    There were few people on whose secrecy she would have more confidently depended ; but at the same time , there was no one whose knowledge of a sister 's frailty would have mortified her so much .

  26. 他愉快而愤恨地用脚跟踏着罪恶、丑行、叛逆、堕落、地狱,他发出万丈光芒,他杀人从不眨眼,他满脸堆着笑容,在这威猛天神的身上,确有一种无比伟大的气概。

    Happy and indignant , he held his heel upon crime , vice , rebellion , perdition , hell , he was radiant , he exterminated , he smiled , and there was an incontestable grandeur in this monstrous Saint michael .

  27. 但另一方面,国际不法分子借涉外收养名义大肆跨国贩卖儿童,其骇人丑行造成各个国家及地区对承认他国或他地区涉外收养的法律效力秉持审慎态度,甚至设置障碍。

    On the other hand , international lawbreakers cadge children multinationally without restraint , in the name of foreign adoption , whose shocking crimes make every country and area take cautious attitude to admitting the force of foreign adoption from another country or area , even place obstacles .