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  1. 霍尔兴致十足地向他打招呼,戈曼和沃森却满脸不豫之色,敷衍地咕哝句“早安”

    Hall greeted him jovially enough , but Gorman and Walson scowled as they grunted curt " Good Mornings . "

  2. 那一份工作要毫不豫地去抓住。

    That offer of a gob is to be grabbed at without hesitation .

  3. “我们会毫不尤豫的踢出那些我国运动员中的犯规者。”赵补充说到。

    " We won 't hesitate in cracking down on drug cheats among Chinese athletes ," he added .

  4. 从另一层面上说,豫南许多民俗更离不开豫南民间道教音乐。

    On the other hand , a lot of civilian folk-custom in there could not separate from the local civilian Taoism music .

  5. 描述不稳定系统弛豫过程的Fokker-planck方程的数值解(二)

    The Fokker-Planck equation numerical solution of the relaxation process in an unstable system (ⅱ)

  6. 求职专家认为,求职者在询问薪金这个问题上不应犹犹豫豫或羞于开口。

    Career experts say that job seekers should not be hesitant or shy inquiring about the pay .

  7. 她补充说,后来这个年轻人要和父亲谈一些重要事情时就不那么犹犹豫豫、吞吞吐吐了。

    Afterward , she adds , the young man was less hesitant to talk to his father about other subjects that were important to him .