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  1. 能不经我的同意就对我的孩子进行体检吗?

    Can my child be medically examined without my consent ?

  2. 他的地位并没有给予他不经许可就引用我们观点的权力。

    His position does not empower him to cite our views without consultation .

  3. 他的确该注意自己说话不经思索的问题。谁知道他会说些什么?

    He really must be careful about thinking aloud . Who knew what he might say ?

  4. 不经许可就随便移用别人的研究成果是可耻的!

    It 's shameful to apply other people 's research results without their permission .

  5. 让孩子自己去社会上闯吧,不经一事,不长一智!

    Let the children to leave home to gain both experience , and wisdom .

  6. 这些鞋质量太差,不经穿。

    These shoes are too cheap to wear .

  7. 具有民主准则的下属们不断限制他发出不经解释的命令的自由。

    Subordinates with democratic norms continually reduce his freedow to issue unexplained orders .

  8. 样品可不经分离,在选定波长下直接测定两者的吸光度,根据K和ΔA值便可分别求出两者的含量。

    The sample was determined directly at the selected wavelengths without separation .

  9. K2SiF6不经过滤直接水解滴定测SiO2

    Determination of Silicon Dioxide by Direct Hydrolysis Titration of K_2SiF_6 without Filtering Separation

  10. IR不经塑炼可直接用于混炼,提高了生产效率,降低了能耗;

    The productivity improved and the energy consumption reduced because IR could be directly mixed without mastication ;

  11. 正义、反义引物PCR法制备的探针可不经煮沸变性处理直接使用;

    The probe prepared by sense and antisense primers PCR could be used directly without being denatured by boiling .

  12. 文章经选择适当的测定波长,同时采用系数倍率法和联立方程组新解法不经提取分离直接测定复方甲硝唑片中甲硝唑和维生素B6的含量。

    With appropriate wavelength selection , the contents of components in compound metronidazole tablets may be determined by signal multiplier spectrophotometry and the new solution of simultaneous equations in spectrophotometry without any preliminary separation .

  13. PAA还能有效地促进花药愈伤组织不经转移到分化培养基上而直接在诱导培养基上分化成苗。

    PAA could greatly stimulate the shoot formation of callus directly on the induction medium .

  14. 结论IFN-γ抑制伤口愈合和瘢痕增生的作用不经PKC介导;

    Conclusions PKC might not mediate the signal of IFN - γ inhibiting the wound healing and scar hyperplasia .

  15. 用一种MM培养基培养的菌丝,不经巯基化合物预处理,酶解(1%纤维素酶)3小时后,可得到大量原生质体。

    Acremonium protoplasts . A lot of protoplasts were released from mycelia incubated in a MM medium after treatment with 1 % cellulase for 3 h without thiol pretreatment .

  16. 研究了共存组份的干扰,采用EDTA掩蔽,不经分离可直接测定硼。

    The EDTA was used as a masking agent . The boron can be directly detected without the process of separation .

  17. 两组对照组豚鼠不经声预处理,分别直接暴露在中心频率0.5KHz和1KHz110dB的信频带噪声下,暴露1h。

    Two control groups received 0.5 kHz and 1 kHz OBN respectively at 110 dB for 1 h without prior sound conditioning .

  18. 采用褶合曲线法,不经分离,同时测定了复方甲苯咪唑片中两组分的含量,平均回收率和相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为:甲苯咪唑100.7%,1.03%;

    The convolution curve method was applied for the simultaneous determination of two components in compound mebendazole tablets without prior separation .

  19. 使用同时蒸馏萃取法,把从烟叶中萃取出的挥发性、半挥发性酸性成分,不经衍生化进行了气相色谱(GC)分析和气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)鉴定。

    The volatile , semi volatile acidic components in tobacco were extracted by using simultaneous distillation and extraction equipment . They were determined by GC and GC / MS without derivation .

  20. 该小BUG可以不经入侵者同意而上传攻击代码,甚至可以写入到他的自动运行的文件目录中。

    That hole allowed him to upload an attack file the hacker hadn 't asked for , and even write it into the server 's autostart directory .

  21. 不经反转录反应直接作PCR扩增,则RSV阳性的标本不能观察到RSV特异的电泳区带。

    The specific RSV bands could not be observed in the product of PCR which was short of reverse transcription in the RSV positive samples .

  22. 并讨论了不经预脱水处理的水热处理对REY结构的影响。

    The effect of hydrothermal modification on REY zeolite without pre-heated dehydration was also discussed .

  23. 方法选择38例重度哮喘患者随机分为A、B两组,分别给大剂量丙酸倍氯米松经储雾罐和不经储雾罐吸入治疗8~14周。

    Methods Thirty eight patients with severe asthma were equally randomized into group A and group B. Large doses of beclometasone were inhaled with a spacer in group A and without a spacer in group B for 8 to 14 weeks .

  24. 应用微波消解,不经分离富集,用ICP-MS直接测定了9种茶叶中的15种痕量稀土元素。

    The determination method of rare earth elements in tea samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with microwave digestion was developed .

  25. 不管是哪种情况,CDATA区域的内容都将不经修改就可用。

    In either case , the contents of the CDATA section will be available without modification .

  26. 通过离子注入的方法制备了镶嵌结构的Ge纳米晶薄膜,并首次发现离子注入后不经退火直接形成Ge纳米晶的现象。

    In this wok , the phenomenon of nc-Ge embedded in SiO_2 amorphous film , formed by high-dose-ion-implantation without subsequent annealing was found for the first time in the world .

  27. 然后,将改性纳米SiO2和活性稀释单体的混合物不经分离,直接与其它原料共混,制备了性能优异的紫外光固化纳米SiO2/环氧丙烯酸酯复合涂料。

    Then the high-performance UV curable nano-silica / epoxy acrylate hybrid coatings were prepared by using the mixtures of nano-silica and reactive diluents blended with other raw materials .

  28. 通过适当的升温程序,可以将Mw为4000~12000的PCS原丝不经空气不熔化处理,直接高温烧成SiC纤维(平均直径为18.6μm);

    SiC fibers could be prepared with proper pyrolysis temperature procedure for the PCS fibers ( Mw ≈ 4000 ~ 12000 ) without air curing , the average diameter is 18.6 μ m.

  29. 然而人畜粪尿等农家肥不经处理直接施用,往往会因H2S等有害气体发生以及田块中地下害虫增多而损害作物,肥效也不高,而且发出恶臭,污染环境。

    However , the plants would be harmed due to H2S and other harmful odor produced from the man-animal fertilizer , the would pollute the environment .

  30. 对甲基丙烯酸-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物DMF溶液涂制膜(接着经过或不经其它溶剂的处理)的XPS研究表明,共聚物本体组成对膜的表面组成没有明显的影响。

    An XPS study was performed on films of methacrylic acid-styrene block copolymers ( PMAA-bPS ) which were cast from DMF solutions , without or with subsequent solvent treatment .