
  • 网络Non-resistance;nonresistance
  1. 方针是不抵抗主义的时候,一切办法都反映不抵抗主义,这个我们已经有了六年的教训。

    If the policy is one of non-resistance , all measures will reflect non-resistance ; we have been taught this lesson over the last six years .

  2. 根本不战,与敌妥协,这是不抵抗主义,不但应该骂,而且完全不许可的。

    Not to fight at all but to compromise with the enemy & that is non-resistance , which should not only be denounced but must never be tolerated .

  3. 以不抵抗主义的方式。

    In a pacifistic manner .

  4. 在对待战争问题上,胡适坚持其不抵抗主义或道义的抗拒,代表了弱小国家对一个公平、合理的世界秩序的诉求。

    As for the issue of war , Hu Shi insisted his viewpoint of Ethical Resistance representing the weak and small countries seeking a fair and reasonable world order .