- 网络Unsafe Condition

These failures are classified as " right side " - they do not create unsafe conditions .
Accidents are caused by either unsafe conditions or unsafe acts .
The abuse of Chinese trainees in Japan is rampant as many of them are forced to work overtime and under unsafe conditions , according to a recent TV program that aired in Japan .
They include poverty , social exclusion , lack of education , and unsafe employment conditions .
Short-notice rotas , as much as low pay or unsafe conditions , are central to a spate of protests across the US .
We should phase out outdated techniques and equipment that lead to the waste of resources or serious pollution as well as enterprises failing to satisfy safe work conditions .
The result is unsafe working conditions , a polluted environment and the goods that reach the hands of Western consumers are often badly made and sometimes downright dangerous .
Factories and mines that produce inferior products , contaminate the environment , damage resources or do not meet production safety standards must without exception be shut down in accordance with the law .
Starting navigation in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe navigation ; operating in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe operations ;
Granting approval or accepting on the basis of examination any matter relating to production safety which does not meet the statutory conditions for production safety ;
The vessels , vehicles or other means of transportation employed not meeting the necessary safety conditions to such an extent that it would cause serious consequences ;
Starting navigation in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe navigation ; Operating in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe operations ; Cannot find matching data to replace .
The scheme solves the problem on the storage and management of the sharing images , increases the verification of image contents , and enhances the validity of storage and management without security effect .
There are many problems in the development of the mining enterprises , such as high taxes , high society burden , lack of subsequent reserve of mineral resources , low international competitive ability , bad conditions on safety in production and serious contamination .
Using this new method one can avoid an exponential computation of 1024-bit without compromising the security or increasing the computation of the verification algorithm .