
  1. 他饥不可耐地盯着蛋糕。

    He couldn 't help eyeing the cakes hungrily .

  2. 欧盟权力过大,还俗不可耐。

    The EU was overmighty and too secular .

  3. 他饥不可耐地看着饭桌。

    He looked at the dinnertable hungrily .

  4. 他独自一人立在那里,立在黑暗中,感到冷不可耐,也许还因别的事而浑身战栗,他又寻思起来。

    Then , there alone in the darkness , trembling with cold and with something else , too , perchance , he meditated .

  5. 那是一条白金表链,式样简单朴素,只以货色来宣誓它的价值,不凭什么不可耐的装潢&一切好东西都应该是这样的。

    It was a platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design , properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation & as all good things should do .