
  • 网络Irrevocable;irreversible;Irrevocable Credit;Irréversible
  1. 银行开出了不可撤销的信用证[状]。

    The bank has made out an irrevocable letter of credit .

  2. 关于付款方式,我们一般采用不可撤销的使用凭证,凭货运单证议付。

    In general , payment will be made by irrevocable letter of Credit negotiable against presentation of shipping documents .

  3. W:当然是不可撤销信用证了,这是国际贸易常用的付款方式。

    W : Irrevocable letter of credit , of course . It 's the normal terms of payment in international business .

  4. 金川表示,该公司从中国银行(boc)争取到了“不可撤销和无条件的”融资。

    Jinchuan said it secured " irrevocable and unconditional " financing from Bank of China .

  5. 余款将以现金方式支付;也可以不可撤销信用证的方式支付,但需通过可接受的证券公司另外支付2%的GCB或者PCB。

    TO-CASH Basis or in form of Irrevocable Letter of Credit ( ILC ) with Guaranty Cash Bond ( GCB ) of2 % or ( PCB ) Performance Cash Bond from an accredited BONDING COMPONY .

  6. B.咨询方银行出具的金额为_______元(大写:__________),以委托方为受益人的对预付款的不可撤销保函正本一份,副本一份,保函格式见合同附件。

    B. One ( 1 ) original and one ( 1 ) duplicate copy of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for advance payment issued by Consultant 's Bank in favor of Client covering _______ ( Say : ________ only ) , specimen of which is as per Appendix 4 ;

  7. 我们只接受保兑的不可撤销的信用证付款。

    We only accept payment by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit .

  8. 不可撤销信用证支付任何定单。

    Payment by irrevocable letter of credit if any orders booked .

  9. 买方开立的不可撤销的保证函

    The Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee Issued by the Seller 's Bank

  10. 我会按惯例以不可撤销信用证方式付款。

    I 'll pay by irrevocable letter of credit , as usual .

  11. 以贵方为受益人,我们开出不可撤销的保兑信用证。

    We have open a confirm and Irrevocable credit In your favour .

  12. 论要约的不可撤销&对我国《合同法》第19条的思考

    Discussion on the Irrevocable Offer & on Article 19 in Contract Law

  13. 款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用证支付。

    Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit .

  14. 嗯。他同意用不可撤销的信用证付款。

    Uh-huh . He agreed to pay by Irrevocable Letter of Credit .

  15. 欧元区本应是一个不可撤销的货币联姻。

    The currency union is supposed to be an irrevocable monetary marriage .

  16. 付款:不可撤销的信用证或订购支票。

    Payment : by irrevocable letter of credit or cheque with order .

  17. 除非另有说明,所有的保函及反担保函均不可撤销。

    All Guarantees and counter-guarantees are irrevocable unless otherwise indicated .

  18. 你方将开立一个不可撤销的信用证。

    You will opening a letter of credit which can not be changed .

  19. 业主的最终判断不可撤销且对承包商具有约束力。

    The final judgment of employer is irrevocable and binding for the contractor .

  20. 我们坚持凭不可撤销的即期信用证付款。

    We insist on payment by irrevocable sight credit .

  21. 它可以是可撤销的或是不可撤销的、可旋转时或价值。

    Using graphics software , you can revolve the image on the screen .

  22. 他组织了一次公民投票来批准一项宪法修订,即宣布社会主义是不可撤销的。

    He organised a referendum to approve a constitutional change declaring socialism irrevocable .

  23. 我们通常只接受不可撤销的信用证,凭装运单据付款。

    We usually accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents .

  24. 该装运的付款方式:不可撤销即期信用证。

    Terms of payment : irrevocable letter of credit to be drawn at sight .

  25. 所有订单都是用即期不可撤销信用证。

    All the orders from CUSTOMER will be gone with irrevocable LC at sight .

  26. 我们要以你方为受益人开出一份不可撤销信用证。

    We will open an irrevocable letter of credit with your company as the beneficiary .

  27. 我公司坚持凭不可撤销的即期信用状付款。

    Payment shall be made CWO by method of T / T or M / T.

  28. 付款条件:以本公司为受益人的一流银行开出的不可撤销信用证。

    Terms : by irrevocable letter of credit opened by a1 bank in our favor .

  29. 如无此项注明,应视为不可撤销的。

    In the absence of such indication the Credit shall be deemed to be irrevocable .

  30. 卖方开立的关于预付款的不可撤销的保证函

    The Specimen of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for Advance Payment Issued by the Seller 's Bank