
bù kě dé jiān
  • cannot have both at one and the same time
不可得兼[bù kě dé jiān]
  1. 鱼与熊掌不可得兼,价值观就是决定取舍,得失。

    Values means what you decide to give up and you want to get ;

  2. 二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。

    But if I cannot get both , so I would take bear paw instead of fish .

  3. 问题的症结在于:传统社会中思想的生产与秩序的生产不可得兼,于是牺牲思想的生产以保证秩序的生产就成为统治者必然的选择。

    The crux of the problem lies in the fact that the generation of thoughts and that of order in the traditional society could not go together , therefore , the creation of order at the sacrifice of that of thoughts became the natural choice for rulers .