- 网络invariant mass

A low mass enhancement in the π + π - invariant mass spectrum recoiling against ω particle is clearly seen which does not come from the phase space effect and the background .
We investigated the dilepton production in the low and intermediate mass region in central collisions at the RHIC energy .
Since heavy quark decays will dominate the lepton pair continuum between J / ψ and Z ~ 0 peaks , the lepton pair spectra are expected to provide valuable information on the energy loss of heavy quarks .
The coagulated derivatives are introduced into dynamics of variable-mass rigid body and a series of general theorems of dynamics of variable-mass rigid body are obtained , that are as simple as in the dynamics of unvariable-mass systems .
" Quality oriented , first class , sincere service , customer first " is the forever quality policy of the company .
On the contrary , the content of the Short Story Magazine did not be altered and its quality was on the decline .
Estimating the Dew Duration in Pear Tree Canopy Using Mathematical Distance Method and Standard Weather Station Data EFFECT OF ANOMALY ON MASSIVE GAUGE-INVARIANT ABEL FIELD
Demand alternative factors are significant in market definition , because consumers who have certain consumption ability and willingness to buy a product will tend to spend another substitute product when the former price unchanged but quality or service drops .
Gauge invariant massive Abel vector field Chapter 5 marine sedimentation section 4 heavy mineral
The quality of the drink may suffer and vary from location to location even though the syrup formula is constant .
Using the same type of percussive quality and variable collision height can get different impact energy , which has reached the purpose of loading the test beam .
Compared with the serial decoder , the experiment results show that the parallel decoder can improve the speed of decoding by about 40 % , while maintaining the same PSNR ( Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio ), and subjective quality is good .
In processing of compaction correction , the paleo porosity depth function is not the same of the present porosity depth function , and the density depth function shows same property .
Boyle 's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same , the ratio of the mass of souls and volume needs to stay constant .