
bù biàn
  • unchanged;invariable;invariant;immutable;abide;freeze;hold the line on
不变 [bù biàn]
  • (1)

  • [abide]∶常用于诗或古文,可以意味不变的恒常性或稳定性

  • 尔不变,余亦不变

  • (2)

  • [hold the line on]∶使不发生不合心意的改变

  • 现在的税额不变

  • (3)

  • [freeze;immutable;invariable]∶使 [某物]不再改变

  • 使一切未解决的问题十年不变,在此期间将共同努力寻求永久的和平解决的办法

不变[bù biàn]
  1. 光速是一个不变常数。

    The speed of light is an invariant constant .

  2. 定域Scale和规范不变理论的量子化

    Quantization of the Local Gauge and Local Scale Invariant Theory

  3. 病人整夜病情不变。

    There was no change in the patient 's condition overnight .

  4. 做这实验时温度保持不变,但压力可变。

    The temperature remained constant while pressure was a variable in the experiment .

  5. 火车票价很可能会保持不变。

    Train fares are likely to remain unchanged .

  6. 无论三个还是四个人住,周租金不变。

    The weekly rent is the same irrespective of whether there are three or four occupants .

  7. 我们在威斯敏斯特教堂看到的是一种经年不变的古旧仪式。

    What we see at Westminster is a tired old ritual .

  8. 获得资格证的年轻人数量一直维持不变或出现下降。

    The number of young people obtaining qualifications has remained static or decreased

  9. 她相信阶级制度恒久不变。

    She believed in the fixity of the class system .

  10. 这样的饮食应保持约一年不变。

    The diet should be maintained unchanged for about a year

  11. 如果其他条件不变,大多数房客都愿意住单人间而不会选择与他人同住。

    Other things being equal , most tenants would prefer single to shared rooms

  12. 该银行的贷款利率保持不变。

    The bank left its lending rates unchanged .

  13. 专家组称目前会谈的基本原则应该保持不变。

    The panel says the ground rules for the current talks should be maintained .

  14. 我们在英语教学上还有固定不变的参考标准吗?

    Do we still have any fixed point of reference in the teaching of English ?

  15. 任何事情都不会长期保持不变。

    Nothing stays the same for long .

  16. 在时装界,有时似乎唯一永恒不变的东西就是不断的变化。

    In the world of fashion it sometimes seems that the only constant is ceaseless change

  17. 需要发生改变,但是政策僵化不变。

    Needs change while policies fossilize .

  18. 猫的地盘只在它占据那个地方的时候是固定不变的。

    The territory of a cat only remains fixed for as long as the cat dominates the area .

  19. 他们似乎想要做的实际上就是让人们生活和工作的环境固定不变。

    What they seem to want to do in fact is fossilize the particular environment in which people live and work

  20. 这是个自由世界,人人都有权发表自己的意见。我们愿此永恒不变。

    It is a free world where we are all entitled to our opinions . Long may it remain so .

  21. 在任何情况下,基本原理保持不变。

    In all cases , the fundamental principles remain the same .

  22. 脸不变色心不跳。

    One 's face does not change colour , nor does one 's heart beat faster -- without a trace of fear .

  23. 所有商品的供给和需求都不变。

    The demands and supplies of all commodities will be unchanged .

  24. 这里没有严格的、固定不变的规则要遵守。

    There are no hard and fast rules to be followed here .

  25. 几百年来传为定制、严守不变的一套等级制度一到这里都冰消瓦解了。

    The ordered suppressed castes of centuries wither here .

  26. 它们亘古不变,不可摧毁,所以是永存不朽的。

    They are imperishable and indestructible and thus eternal .

  27. 只要级距和税率不变,速算扣除数也不变。

    It'should not change range of income and the tax rate do not change .

  28. 在我们这个世界上,似乎没有东西是永恒不变的。

    In our world nothing seems constant .

  29. 我们一直始终不变地支持他。

    We always invariably support him .

  30. 相反,驾驭取向的儿童认为智力不是固定不变的,可以通过教育和努力工作来发展。

    The mastery-oriented children , on the other hand , think intelligence is not fixed and can be developed through education and hard work .