
Conclusion : The esophageal motility disfunction could occur in patients with FD , which is characterised mostly by disorder of esophageal body movement and secondly by decrease of lower esophageal movement .
From the time series ( 1992 - 1999 ), the development of stock market is uneven and rapid , and its growth effect is not clear .
Further , the theoretic discussion has been made for the result came from the stationary and cointegration study using the methods of econometrics statistic and the special softwares .
But BANK index and opening degree of trade are not correlation , in a sense , it shows the function of dispersing risk of financial intermediation is absent .
There is also no Granger causal relationship between stock index yield and the national economy increasing rate .
As discovered by research , co-integration relation existed between GDP and total energy use , it also existed between GDP and electric power use ;
Due to the fluctuation of futures price and spot price , between the two prices may not exist cointegrate relationship , so simple using OLS regression model might result in spurious regression .
The first phase of empirical analysis concludes that the EG cointegration test shows that the broad money supply and stock market capitalization Cointegration and one-way Granger causality ; national interbank interest rates and stock market capitalization does not exist cointegration and Granger causality relationship .
By the ADF test and cointegration test , the treated spot prices and the futures price of 2 months , 4 months period exist the relationship of cointegration , but the futures price of 6-month period dose not .
The results of both Johansen method and Engle-Granger two-step procedure show that there is no co-integration between the monetary base and monetary aggregates , implying that the money multiplier in China is not stable .
This means the cointegration exists between the two .
Most foreign studies show the positive relation between stock market and economic growth .
For a long time , there is a stable balanced relationship between the economic growth and foreign trade reliance , but is not between the economic growth and foreign investment reliance .
The empirical results indicate that the bourse index has a strong guiding effect on the inter-bank index , and there is a shortterm correlation but no significant long-term equilibrium relation between them .
Empirical testing indicates that optimum capital structure of every country 's banks is not the same ; capital ratio and capital return have no co - integrated relations , and mere isn 't an optimal capital ratio for all banks .
The uncertainty of the momentum and the uncertainty of the position are complementary .