
xià zǎi
  • download
  1. 按照下面的说明下载并安装修补程序。

    Follow the instructions below to download and install the patch .

  2. 你可以把文件下载,用文字处理系统做编辑。

    You can download the file and edit it on your word processor .

  3. 任何机构都可以免费下载这一节目。

    Any organization can downlink the program without charge .

  4. 用户可以下载MP3音乐文件,然后用个人电脑上的光盘刻录机直接刻写在CD音乐光盘上。

    Users can download MP3 music files and record them directly onto a CD audio disc using a PC CD writer .

  5. 用户可以把资料下载到台式机上。

    Users can download their material to a desktop PC.

  6. 机器能自动将需要的信息下载到传真机上。

    The machine automatically downloads the required information to his or her fax .

  7. 老些的机器需要下载软件补丁来修改日期。

    Older machines will need a software patch to be loaded to correct the date .

  8. 网页浏览器的高速缓存区里有你最近下载的网页文件。

    In your Web browser 's cache are the most recent Web files that you have downloaded .

  9. 下载的字体可能为压缩格式,如压缩文件包。

    When you download the font it may be in a compressed format , such as a zip file .

  10. 她建议人们下载Instant或Moment等应用程序来记录自己每天打开于机的次数。

    She suggests downloading the Instant or Moment apps to see how many times you turn on your phone each day .

  11. 而且已经被下载过5700多次了。

    It   has   been downloaded   5,700   times .

  12. 因此,配音演员们有了获得二次补偿的想法——每当一款游戏卖出200万份游戏包或下载量,或者拥有200万订阅时,即获得一笔业绩奖金,上限为800万。

    So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation — a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads , or reaches 2 million subscribers , with a cap at 8 million .

  13. 最成功的分享者们——他们的教据被頻繁的下载和引用——获得关注,而且其著作也常被引用。

    The most   successful   sharers — those   whose   data   are   downloaded   and   cited   the   most   often --- get noticed ,   and   their   work   gets   used .

  14. 如果你的老师把幻灯片放在QQ上,请下载。

    Download the PowerPoint if your teacher puts it on QQ .

  15. 他们担心学生可能会用ipad下载教学笔记,并在考试时用它们作弊。

    They worry that students might use iPads to download teaching notes and use them to cheat during exams .

  16. 您可以在www.Facemail.com下载软件,无需付费。

    You can download the software at www.Facemail.com without paying .

  17. 你可以把这些图片下载到你的电脑或智能手机上。

    You may download such pictures to your computer or smart phone .

  18. 什么是extensions扩展?哪里可以下载扩展

    What are extensions and where do I download them ?

  19. 新装的音响可以播放卫星广播和从网上下载的MP3文件。

    New stereos pull in satellite radio broadcasts and play MP3 files downloaded from the Internet .

  20. 跟邻桌同事商量事情不用张口,而用MSN之类的聊天工具;逢年过节亲朋好友问候,不再用昂贵的长途电话,改成了群发网上下载的祝福短信;

    Talking to a colleague sitting next to you through instant messaging instead of vocal communication , mass texting friends and relatives with downloaded festival greetings instead of calling them in person ,

  21. “越狱”这个说法多与苹果公司的iPhone、iPod以及iPad等产品有关,因为苹果产品都要求用户只能从苹果的专属商店下载和购买应用程序。

    The concept of jailbreaking is most often associated with products from Apple Inc. , such as the iPhone , iPod and iPad , which routinely restrict the user to applications licensed on what kinds of applications they can purchase ,

  22. 然后,从您的镜像中下载图形安装系统

    The graphical instillation system will then be downloaded from your mirror .

  23. 新:字典更新向导自动下载并安装额外的拼写字典。

    New : Dictionary Update Wizard automates downloading and installing additional spelling dictionaries .

  24. 国内互联网巨头腾讯公司于1月9日发布“小程序”,可以让用户无需下载和安装便可在微信内互动使用各类程序服务。

    Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd launched " mini apps " on Monday , which let users interact with app-like services within its instant messaging app WeChat , without having to download and install them .

  25. 如果某人的智能手机、平板电脑或其他设备“越狱”了,那就说明他用一款特殊软件解除了生产商对该设备事先安装的锁定程序,该程序一般对移动设备可下载和运行的应用程序有严格限制。

    If someone jailbreaks a smartphone , tablet ( computer ) or other device , they use a special piece of software in order to remove the restrictions imposed by the manufacturer on the kind of applications that can be downloaded and run on the device .

  26. 引起网怒的首要原因是网页慢速下载时导致的烦躁情绪,其它原因还有:图片无法打开,某些网站需要安装制定软件才能运行,登录某个网站前要求提交个人信息,以及不能提供任何帮助的“帮助”按钮。

    The top cause of web rage is the frustration are images that don 't load , websites that require specific software to run , requests for personal details before being allowed into a site , and ' help ' buttons which don 't really ' help ' .

  27. 如果你有喜爱调研的家人,可以让他们下载世界地球日挑战应用,收集社区中关于空气质量和塑料污染的数据。这是一个让自己和他人了解在当地怎么做才能有助于减轻地球压力的理想方式。

    If you have family members who love to investigate , have them download the Global Earth Challenge app and collect data about the air quality and plastic pollution in your community . This is an ideal way to teach yourself and others about actions you can take locally to help lessen the stress on the planet .

  28. 用Visualc设计文件下载器

    Use Visual C # the Design Document Download A Machine

  29. 从不下载web文件夹组件。

    Never download the web folders component .

  30. Line于2011年推出并免费提供下载,这款应用在日本、台湾以及泰国等地流行。

    Launched in 2011 , Line is free to download and is popular in Japan , Taiwan and Thailand .