
  • 网络lower wasting-thirst;Impotent
  1. 沙湾电站坝下消能防冲试验研究

    Experimental Study on Energy Dissipation and Scouring for Shawan Hydropower Station

  2. 低周反复荷载作用下消能柱间支撑的性能

    Performance of Energy-Absorbing Column Bracings under Low Frequency Cyclic Loading

  3. 在冲击波作用下消波池气室压力的计算

    The Computation of Pressure in the Air Cell of Water Tank under Shock Waves

  4. 清下消补法组方对乙肝肝硬化预后因素影响的临床观察

    Clinical Observations on Effects on Prognostic Factor Treating Hepatitis B-related Cirrhosis with Purification Purgation Dispersion Tonicity

  5. 成为后世分消渴为上消、中消、下消之宗本。

    So the thirst elimination is divided into upper elimination , central elimination , and bottom elimination .

  6. 水、土环境变化下消落区生态环境问题研究

    Study on the Ecological Environmental Problems of the Riparian Zone under Interactions of the Soil and Water

  7. 根据不同阀值选择的准则,使用小波分析工具箱,给出了回波信号在不同阀值下消噪后的图形。

    According to the threshold selection criteria , we use wavelet analysis toolbox to draw figure in different threshold .

  8. 对比不同阀值下消噪的结果,选择了启发式阀值对回波进行消噪处理。

    Based on the result of de-noising in different threshold , and we select the heuristic threshold to de-noise the signals .

  9. 因此射流冲击下消力池防护结构的安全稳定性是实现消能防冲目的的关键所在。

    Therefore , The safety of protecting structure in plunge pool under the jet is the key to success or failure .

  10. 规则波和不规则波作用下消波建筑物前的波高分析

    Analysis of wave height in front of a wave absorbing structure with rubble foundation under the action of regular and irregular waves

  11. 橡胶坝下消力池的设计涉及的影响因数很多,目前尚无成熟的理论方法解决这一问题。

    The Suitable section of a stilling basin front a flexible dam is affected by many factors , and there are no mature theories or methods to solve the problem .

  12. 闸门开启过程中非恒定流与闸下消能防冲的研究(2)&灌区水闸启门过程中非恒定流数值模拟

    Study on unsteady flow and the energy dissipation and scour prevention under the gate during gate opening process (ⅱ) & numerical simulation of unsteady flow in the process of opening gate in Irrigation District

  13. 目的:以预后因素为评定指标观察中医药清下消补法为主辨证施治配合西医药对乙肝肝硬化的疗效。

    Objective : With prognostic factors as assessment standards , the effects of combination of TCM ( purification purgation dispersion tonicity ) and western medicine treating hepatitis B-related cirrhosis and its complications were assessed .

  14. 本文根据石桥水电站溃坝破坏的情况,从坝下消能防冲和坝基防渗布置设计两个方面,分析了造成溃坝的主要原因。

    On the basis of the facts of the darn collapse of Shiqiao hydropower station , the main causes of the dam collapse is analysed in two aspects , i.e. the design of energy dissipating and seepage control of dam foundation .

  15. 试验对闸的过流能力、闸室上下游翼墙、导流堤的平面布置以及闸室上下游护砌范围的合理性、闸下消能防冲设施布置的合理性等进行了研究。

    In the experiment , the overflowing ability of gate , wing wall in the upstream and downstream of gate room , the rationality of plane distribution of diversion dike and protected bond range , and the rationality of distributing facilities for energy dissipation and erosion protection are studied .

  16. 为了在紫外波段200~350nm,窄带宽1nm的情况下实现消偏,在Lyot型消偏器的基础上,设计了一种由两块厚的石英延迟片组成的消偏器。

    In order to carrying out depolarization in UV range ( 200 ~ 350nm ) and narrow bandwidth ( 1nm ), a depolarizer consisting of two pieces of thick quartz delayers is designed on the basis of Lyot depolarizer .

  17. 其他场合下的消氢也可选用。

    In other occasion , it will be used for reducing hydrogen .

  18. 如何评价闸坝下游的消能效果,尤其是三元流情况下的消能效果仍是一个没有解决的问题。

    How to evaluate the efficiency of energy dissipation still is an unsolved problem , especially for 3-dimensional flow .

  19. 对间歇旋涡作用下进水口消涡工脉动压力特性进行了试验研究,给出了作用于消涡工上的脉动压力的时间相关特性、频率特性以及空间相关特性。

    In this paper , the experimental study on the Turbulence Pressure Characteristic of eliminate-vor-tex-structure under the intermittence vortex are taken down .

  20. 研究表明,分时上网电价政策下年末消落水位对冶勒水库的运用调度产生很大影响。

    Analysis results indicate the yearly drawdown level will affect the operation of long-term storage reservoir greatly under time-varying electricity price policy .

  21. 该设计方法采用两片离轴全息透镜复合,按使用情况在布喇格条件下进行消像差设计。

    With compounding of two pieces of off-axis holographic lens , the anaberrational design is carried out by this method under Bragg conditions .

  22. 雨水排海工程水下混凝土消力池施工滩海石油工程给水排水技术规范

    Construction Technique for RC Buffering Pond Cast in Water in Rainwater Drainage Project Technical code for water supply and sewerage of petroleum engineering in beach-shallow sea

  23. 一般情况下,消弧线圈处于靠近谐振点的工作状态,因此也被称为谐振接地系统。

    In usual case the work arc-suppression coil for compensating works in the state of approaching resonance . So it is also called compensated resonance power networks .

  24. 得到的结论为:在相同条件下,消力池里前排消力墩对水跃长度的影响比后排消力墩对水跃长度的影响大。

    It is concluded that under the same condition , the effect of front row of baffle blocks on the hydraulic jump length is greater than that of back row .

  25. 该方法采用双片离轴全息透镜复合,按使用条件在布喇格条件下进行消三级像差设计,制作设计的全息透镜具有高衍射效率高、像差小的特点,可以满足任意给定的窄带光场合。

    The holographic lens , which is designed according to Bragg condition to eliminate aberrations , has both high efficiency and low aberration , and can be used in a certain narrow-band condition .

  26. 通过浮式防波屏整体模型试验,研究了浮式防波屏在不同水深、不同波长和不同波高条件下的消波特性,为浮式防波屏的实际应用提供了试验依据。

    In this paper , the special properties of floating breakwater subjected to different wavelength ( or wave period ), different water of depth and different wave height is introduced , It provides experiment basis for practical use of the floating breakwater in future .

  27. 基于B样条的凸包性,从在不降低曲面消隐精度的前提下,提高消隐速度的角度出发,提出了一种对B样条曲面进行快速消除的三次判定算法。

    An algorithm based on the CONVEX WRAPPING property of B - spline surfaces for fast eliminating hidden lines from B - spline surfaces is presented .

  28. 运用琼斯矩阵,分别建立了轴向磁场作用下,单消偏陀螺系统和双消偏陀螺系统产生Faraday非互易相位差的理论模型。

    The theoretical models of Faraday nonreciprocal phase error which is generated by axial magnetic field in Single-Depo-I-FOG and Twin-Depo-I-FOG are founded respectively through using Jones Matrix .

  29. 基于数学形态学的水下激光成像消噪法

    A Denoising Method for Underwater Laser Image Based on Mathematical Morphology

  30. 目的:为了克服进口消沫剂成本较高,且路途遥远易造成供货不及时的缺点,在不影响生产水平的前提下用国产消沫剂同类产品代替进口消沫剂。

    Object : In order to overcome import defoaming agent have high cost and far away from China , it 's difficult to supply goods in time .