
  • 网络Xiacheng District;downtown;Lower Downtown;lower city
  1. 有些人可能会告诉你,下城区是各大画廊云集之处,而且这个金融行政区(FinancialDistrict)有着某种锐气与活力,不同于上城区那些光鲜亮丽的公园、博物馆和时尚的百货商店。

    Someone might tell you that Downtown , home to galleries and the Financial District has a certain edge and energy , compared to the polish of Uptown 's parks , museums and posh department stores .

  2. 但是许多纽约客都认为,大体上看,纽约有两个曼哈顿:上城区(Uptown)和下城区(Downtown)。

    But many New Yorkers would admit that , more broadly , there are two Manhattans : Uptown and Downtown .

  3. 晚餐时间一到,直奔埃斯特拉吧。这是一家开在楼上的小餐馆,感觉很僻静,即便那里靠着下城区的一条主干道豪斯顿街(HoustonStreet)。

    Once dinnertime rolls around , head to Estela , a small , upstairs restaurant that feels tucked away , even on Houston Street , a main downtown thoroughfare .

  4. 但其他人可能回答得更实在:曼哈顿下城区起于此岛的最南端,止于34街;而上城区实际上从59街的中央公园(CentralPark)开始。

    But others may have a more literal answer : Downtown Manhattan extends from the southern-most tip of the island , ending at 34th street , while Uptown Manhattan truly begins with Central Park , at 59th street .

  5. 多数新的办公空间要么来自下城区重建的世贸中心(WorldTradeCenter)附近,要么来自纽约最靠西边的新地产项目——那里的哈德逊广场吸引了包括私人股本集团KKR在内的多家租客。

    Most new office space has come on either downtown , around the rebuilt World Trade Center , or in new projects on the far west side where Hudson Yards has attracted tenants including private equity group KKR .

  6. 搬入位于曼哈顿下城区(LowerManhattan)百老汇大街25号的WeWork共享办公空间的公司,租下的是创业国度的典型配置。

    Companies that move into the WeWork shared office space at 25 Broadway in lower Manhattan are renting the usual paraphernalia of start-up land .

  7. 他在下城区一家公司当对冲基金经理。

    He 's a hedge fund manager at a firm downtown .

  8. 我们回到下城区,你都不用先洗澡了。

    When you get downtown , you can skip the first shower .

  9. 洛桑分上城区和下城区两部分。

    It has both an upper and lower town .

  10. 比如说,投资者在曼哈顿下城区的房产会大幅贬值。

    Investors in lower Manhattan property would suffer large losses , for example .

  11. 巡视市场和下城区。

    Patrol the market and the lower town .

  12. 两个月前,索尼已迁至下城区。

    Sony moved downtown two months ago .

  13. 直通下城区。

    It leads to the lower town .

  14. 曼哈顿下城区,特别是南街海港附近的一些公司,服务依旧不完善。

    Some businesses in Lower Manhattan particularly near the South Street Seaport still have spotty service .

  15. 本文提出了一种航空图像中道路线特征的提取算法,适用于复杂背景下城区中多等级道路的特征识别。

    This paper proposed an algorithm to extraction hierarchical road features from high-resolution aerial images of urban areas .

  16. 这其中包括参与事后救援和重建的人员、曼哈顿下城区居民、区域工人、上班族和过路人。

    They include rescue and recovery workers , lower Manhattan residents , area workers , commuters and passers-by .

  17. 我们在下城区向您报道。如今,本市的犯罪率急剧上升…

    We 're reporting to you from downtown , where today 's spike in crime has our city ...

  18. 为曼哈顿下城区管理商业改进区的下城联盟表示,87%的商业都已经恢复。

    The Downtown Alliance which manages the business improvement district for lower Manhattan says 87 % of businesses are back .

  19. 对杭州下城区572例2~6岁儿童血铅、锌、钙、铁含量进行了检测。

    572 cases of 2 ~ 6 years old children 's blood lead , zinc , calcium and lron are detected and analysed .

  20. 霍华德巴菲特带儿子去了曼哈顿下城区,顺道拜访一家最大经纪公司的高管。

    Howard Buffett took his son down to lower Manhattan and dropped in on the top man at one of the largest brokerage firms .

  21. 马尔顿酒店是一个在大型酒店之外,既舒适又经济的好选择。而对于那些想要体验纽约下城区式生活的客人而言,它更是不二之选。

    The Marlton is a snug and affordable alternative to larger hotels , and it 's a must for anyone seeking to replicate downtown living .

  22. 曼哈顿下城区发生渡轮相撞事故,造成50余人受伤,其中至少两人伤势严重,目前事故原因正在调查中。

    An investigation is under way into what caused the ferry crash in Lower Manhattan that injured more than 50 people , at least two of them critically .

  23. 今年10月末超级飓风“桑迪”肆虐美国沿海地区,曼哈顿下城区大面积断电,此时一个可能的未来以令人震撼的方式呈现在纽约市居民眼前。

    When superstorm sandy roared ashore in late October and the lights of lower Manhattan went out , New Yorkers were given a stark vision of a possible future .

  24. 快速城市化背景下城区用地急剧向城郊扩张,城郊用地结构性冲突与矛盾突出。

    With the rapid urbanization , urban land use quickly sprawled around suburb area , the conflict and collision of suburb land use structure has become more and more significant .

  25. 无论通过哪座桥都可进入布鲁克林区,但走到桥中间时,停下来回头看看,你就能看到美丽的下城区风景。这会是一次愉快的饭后散步活动。

    Walking all the way across either one will take you in to Brooklyn , but just making it half way across and looking back provides nice views of downtown and a nice post-meal walk .

  26. 本文选取杭州市下城区潮鸣街道为研究对象,采用问卷调查与案例分析相结合的方法,在明确社区矛盾现状的基础上,分析了社会资本和社区矛盾之间的关系。

    The paper selected Chao Ming streets of Hangzhou City as the research object , using questionnaires and case analysis of the combination of the method , in clear the Community contradiction status based on the analysis of the relationship between social capital and urban communities contradiction .

  27. 他们认为这两个人降落在世界贸易中心附近下曼哈顿城区的街道上。据报道,私人保镖看见两名跳伞者于凌晨3点在高盛集团总部前降落。

    They think they have parachuted onto a Lower Manhattan street near the World Trade Center site . Private security guards reported seeing two parachuters land in front of the Goldman Sachs headquarters around 3:00 AM .

  28. 与农村金融服务不足相对应的是,在城市化进程不断加快的形势下,城区经济发展迅速,诸多的金融机构热衷于在城区设置营业网点,抢占资金市场,获取经营效益。

    What is on the contrary is that under the circumstances of an increasingly-accelerating urbanization and fast-developing urban economy , many financial institutes are keen on arranging branches in the downtown area to occupy the capital market and gain profit .

  29. 实验表明,该方法可有效解决小样本条件下,城区场景中所需考虑的车辆-行人-非机动车辆-背景等多类分类问题。(5)论文详细论述了基于视觉的目标跟踪定位方法。

    Experiment shows that the method can effectively resolve the multi-class classification problem including vehicle , pedestrian , non-motor vehicle , background , etc in urban traffic scenes , especially the small samples condition . Fifthly , the vision-based object tracking method is discussed detailedly in the paper .

  30. 在旧城改造的过程中,北京市以保护文化遗产的名义保留下一些老城区。

    During the process of the reconstruction , Beijing preserves some old communities under the name of cultural relic protection .