
shànɡ mén tuī xiāo
  • door-to-door selling
  1. 新商品零售商通常选择挨家挨户上门推销,因为这种方法能够充分展示商品的特征,使之能与潜在的顾客进行直接与对的磋商。

    Retailers of new products often choose door-to-door selling because this approach can fully demonstrate the features of the products and enable direct and one-to-one consultation to prospective buyers .

  2. 他的工作是上门推销抹布和刷子。

    He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes .

  3. 玫琳凯化妆品是一家著名的上门推销化妆品公司。

    Mary Kay cosmetic is a famous door to door makeup company .

  4. 如今他是该公司44000名推销员中惟一一个上门推销的人。

    Now he is the only one of the company's44,000 salespeople who sells door-to-door .

  5. 刘希丹不用上门推销,但她同样需要英文很多富有挑战的状况。

    Liu was freed from door-to-door sales , but she still had to deal with challenging situations .

  6. 很多推销各种不同险别的代理商给我们打电话,有时甚至还上门推销。

    Many agents selling many different policies call us by phone and sometimes even come to our doors .

  7. 与从超市买来的物品相比,上门推销的东西要贵许多。

    Compare with goods from supermarket , the things bring by salesman from door to door are more expensive .

  8. 公司的销售人员上门推销,缠着遇见的人买他们的口红和洗发水。

    His firm operates through a network of locals who knock on doors and pester their acquaintances to buy lipstick and shampoo .

  9. 他看到沃特金斯,一家上门推销家用物品的公司要人,他母亲就跟其代理人安排会面。

    When he saw one for Watkins , a company that sold household products door-to-door , his mother set up a meeting with a representative .

  10. 一群销售员被布置了上门推销的任务,然而当门环跟他们打招呼时,魂儿都被吓出来了。

    A group of salesman tasked with door knocking on people 's houses had the fright of their life when they were greeted - by the door knocker .

  11. 你必须通过电子邮件或互联网找到他们,或者用老套的方法–通过广播、打印广告、直邮、电话营销、上门推销。

    You have to find them via the Internet and e-mail , or the old-fashioned way & through broadcast media , print ads , direct mail , telemarketing , or references or by cold-calling .

  12. 如果别人,比如你原来的租客,还拥有你寓所的钥匙时,请立即更换。不要把钥匙拿给工人或上门推销人员,因为他们可以轻易地复制。

    If other people such as previous tenants could still have keys that fit , change the locks . don 't give keys to workmen or tradesmen , as they can easily make copies .

  13. 另外,上门推销的也不少,打折、回扣,中介机构之间打价格战,明争暗斗,热闹非常。

    Additional , those who come to promote is not little also , dozen fold , rake-off , price war is made between intermediary organization , strife openly and secretly , lively and special .

  14. 其实销售最难的部分便是吸引你的顾客上门,推销套餐商品,获取更多的利润。

    The hardest part is getting your customer in the door ; increase your profit by adding on to their sale .

  15. 真见鬼!刚过了半小时,正巧一个平常以挨家挨户给人家拍摄婴儿照片为生的摄影师上门来推销生意,他按响了门铃。

    Half an hour later , just by chance , a door-to-door baby photographer rang the doorbell , hoping to make a sale .