
  1. 在历史上长安是一座非常繁华的大都市。

    In history , Chang 's was once a very prosperous metropolis .

  2. 经过研究,建筑学家发现,千寻塔在外形上以长安的小雁塔为模式。

    Architects discovered from their research , the appearance of Qianxun Pagoda was modeled after the Small Wild Goose Pagoda of Xi'an , only little difference in the partial handling .

  3. 因而,在一定程度上说,长安文化或长安学,不但是“中国学”的一个有机组成部分,而且是“中国学”的一个重要窗口。

    Therefore , to a certain extent , Chang'an culture not only is the organic heart of Sinology or Chinese Studies , but it also forms an important window for Chinese studies .

  4. 并在此基础上归纳出唐长安城在绿化建设中的树种、树种分布规律以及分布原因。

    Based on this , species of trees in afforesting the Chang ' an city , its distributing regularity and its reasons are concluded .

  5. 在谁指挥和领导整个军事行动的问题上,只有秘书长安诺斯•福格•拉斯穆森之前的这个录音讲话。

    On the question of command and control of the entire military operation , there was only this pre-recorded statement from the Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen .