
  • 网络shanghai mobile
  1. 上海移动通信市场竞争激烈,D公司P系统因其低廉的资费和较低的辐射,曾一度对在市场中扮演重要的角色。

    Shanghai mobile telecommunication market competes intensively . P System of Company D used to play an important role of the market by its lower price and radiation .

  2. 上海移动BOSS系统自从上线以来,系统建设的总体原则基本上是以计费、帐务为核心,营销系统主要职能为计费帐务提供进行业务受理的用户资料。

    For example , since the Shanghai Mobile BOSS system is in use on-line , the general principles of system construction are basically based on billing and accounts . The primary role of The Marketing system is to provide billing information for business users who received .

  3. 上海移动话务网管系统的迁移与升级

    Migrating and Upgrading of Network Management System in China Mobile Shanghai Branch

  4. 系统在上海移动的运营结果表明,采用这种顽健性设计的系统基本上达到了用户零投诉的最佳效果。

    The field operating shows that the system reached the ideal results of zero customer complaint with the robustness implementation .

  5. 随着社会经济与移动通信事业的发展,上海移动相关业务信息每年都呈现爆炸式上升的趋势。

    As the socio-economic and the development of mobile communications , Shanghai Mobile-related business information every year , showing an explosive upward trend .

  6. 首先对风险管理理论进行了研究,对上海移动在电信工程项目中实施风险管理的必要性进行论证。

    Firstly , the thesis analyzes the theory of risk management , and demonstrates the necessary for Shanghai Mobile to implement risk management in communication project .

  7. 接下来重点分析了上海移动自营渠道和代理渠道目前存在的问题,并提出渠道转型的设计原则。

    Next , the article mainly analyzes the existing problems of self-channels and agent channels of Shanghai Mobile and proposed principles of channel restructuring and designing .

  8. 若您终止使用您的号码,账户内余额不以现金方式返还,但可转移至您的其他上海移动号码。销户后办理余额转移可至上海移动营业厅。

    Once you stop using your subscriber number after recharging , the account balance will be transferred to your other account of shanghai mobile instead of being en-cashed .

  9. 随着软交换技术的日益成熟,上海移动已经在大量建设软交换核心网,逐步成为现网业务的主力承载。

    With the development of soft switch technology , Shanghai Mobile Company Ltd. has newly built the core network of soft switch . MSS gradually became the main equipments to load communication services .

  10. 文章简要介绍了上海移动计费信息中心在电子化流程建设方面的一些经验和实现流程,并介绍了电子化流程的下一步扩展思路。

    This article has briefly introduced experience and real life processes on the e-process construction of Shanghai Mobile communication company billing & information center , as well as their expanding plan for next step .

  11. 在此基础上,讨论上海移动账号管理平台的功能需求,分析了主账号信息管理、用户统一认证、日志信息查询等主要流程。

    Based on it , the function requirement of the Unified Management Platform is discussed , and the processes such master account information management , user centralized authentication and log information query are analyzed .

  12. 铁路局订票平台是上海移动公司与上海铁路局合作,接入移动核心网的首个集团客户业务平台。

    Railways booking platform is the cooperation between China Mobile Group Shanghai Co. , Ltd. and Shanghai Railroad Bureau . It is the first service platform of group customers which has access to core network .

  13. 无论从网络规模、用户数量以及业务收入等角度来看,上海移动已成为上海电信业发展中的一个及其重要的组成部分。

    Regardless of from angle and so on network scale , user quantity as well as service income looked , Shanghai moves has become in the Shanghai telecommunication industry development and its the important constituent .

  14. 本文介绍了上海移动新卢湾15环6个汇聚点10Gbit/s设备改造安装工程,并对工程中施工难点和问题做了阐述。

    Introduce the expand and rebuild project of six influx points about 10Gbit / s metro transmission network at china mobile communication Co. , Ltd. Shanghai branch , and expatiate the difficulties and questions of the project construct .

  15. 本文以上海移动为研究对象,进行营销渠道的设计与实施,目的在于为上海移动渠道管理者优化当前渠道体系提供理论指导和实践参考,为移动运营商改善经营管理、提高服务水平提供依据。

    This paper takes Shanghai Mobile as research objective , designing and implementing marketing channels of Shanghai Mobile , in order to provide theoretical guide and practical reference for channel manager of Shanghai Mobile to optimize the current channel systems .

  16. 谈谈上海大唐移动网络优化服务

    On Network optimizing Service of Shanghai Datang Mobile Telecommunication Company

  17. 上海西门子移动通信有限公司招聘人事助理一名。

    Siemens Shanghai Mobile company , Ltd is looking for a HR assistant .

  18. 全业务环境下上海电信移动增值业务平台发展策略研究

    Research on Development Strategy of Shanghai Telecom Mobile Phone Value Added Service Platform under the Full Scope License

  19. 相信通过本文对于上海电信移动增值业务发展战略的建议及个人见解,可以为上海电信未来全业务经营和发展提供一些值得借鉴的参考。

    I believe that through this article for Shanghai Telecom mobile value-added business development strategy , it should to provide some reference for the Shanghai Telecom to implement in the future .

  20. 上海CDMA蜂窝移动电话试验网

    Shanghai CDMA Cellular Mobile Telephone Trial Network

  21. 中国气象局网站发布的一则气象新闻说,海葵带来的强降雨天气将持续到周五,目前海葵正从上海缓慢向西移动。

    Haikui could be felt through Friday as it slowly heads west from Shanghai , according to a China Meteorological Administration statement .

  22. 上海电力应急抢修移动指挥系统通信平台建设的关键要素分析

    Essentials to communication platform construction for mobile emergency response command systems for Shanghai Power Grid

  23. 调查显示上海乃至全中国移动电话和液晶显示液的市场潜力很大。

    It indicates that there 's a potential market for cell phones and liquid-crystal screens in Shanghai and China as a whole .

  24. 该系统提高了高压用电检查的工作效率和工作质量,为上海电力营销的移动平台建设提供了可实施的案例,并填补了国内市场上将移动技术应用到高压用电检查工作的一项空白。

    This system enhances the work efficiency and work quality of high-voltage power utilization inspection and provides the enforceable cases for movable platform construction of Shanghai electricity marketing . It fills in the gaps of applying the moving technique to high-voltage power utilization inspection in the domestic market .

  25. 作为上海地区主导电信运营商的上海电信,除了要与上海联通、上海网通和上海移动争夺市场份额之外,还要面对国外运营商的竞争。

    As the leading telecom service provider , Shanghai Telecom has been faced the competition of overseas telecom service provider besides the Shanghai Unicom , Shanghai Netcom and Shanghai Mobile .