
  • 网络Shanghai Opera House
  1. “绿都之春”新春音乐会由著名指挥家张国勇亲自指挥,上海歌剧院交响乐团担纲演奏。

    The2010 Green City Spring Concert was conducted by the eminent conductor Zhang Guoyong and performed by Shanghai Opera House Orchestra .

  2. 罗马籍中国作曲家吕嘉担纲上海歌剧院乐队及普契尼节日基金会乐队的指挥,不过他更像是冲浪手而非跳水运动员他偏爱轻快的节奏,在音乐表面浅尝辄止,而非潜入到感情的表象之下。

    The Rome-based Chinese conductor Lu Jia led the Shanghai Opera House Orchestra and players from the Puccini Festival Orchestra more like a surfer than a diver , favouring brisk tempos that skimmed the music rather than dipping beneath its emotional surface .

  3. 她观看了上海歌剧院竞赛。

    She was watching a Shanghai opera contest .

  4. 歌剧、音乐剧的歌词作者上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团

    The author of a libretto . Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre

  5. 舞台剧和电影界的明星上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团

    A star of stage and screen . Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre

  6. 上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团今晚剧院里上演歌舞剧。

    Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre There 's a musical at the theater tonight .

  7. 上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团论京剧样板戏的音乐改革(下)

    Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre On the Musical Reform of the Model-Theatrical-Works , Beijing Opera ;

  8. 上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团有没有今晚或明晚歌舞剧《猫》的戏票呢?

    Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre Are there any tickets of Cats for tonight or tomorrow ?

  9. 上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团七点半海淀剧院上演<星球大战>。

    Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre " Star War " is on at Haidian at 7 : 30 .

  10. 上海建成世界最大歌剧院。

    China builds world 's largest underground theater .