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shànɡ xuán qiú
  • top-spin;top spinning ball
  1. 击球手踮起脚将这记上旋球击到场地中。

    The batsman rose on his toes and played the rising ball down into the ground

  2. 研究得出以下主要结果:(1)测试对象马XX正手击上旋球过程中,踝关节速度产生稍晚,其蹬地时机掌握不当。

    Study results showed that the main results : ( 1 ) The player of Ma XX is in course of forehand hitting , speed of ankle produce later , the timing of pedal is incorrect .

  3. 测试对象正手上旋球从引拍到击球髋角逐渐增大,双手反拍髋角受限,除刘XX外,其余队员变化较小。

    The players are hitting topspin ball in forehand , the hip angle increase from ready to hit , limited hip angle backhand with both hands , in addition to Liu XX , the remaining members change little .

  4. 约翰逊上网,正手抽上旋球。

    Johnson rushes up and makes a topspin forehand drive .

  5. 发球技术一发以平击球、二发上旋球为主。

    Serve with flat round ball , second topspin .

  6. 浅谈网球底线正手上旋球技术教学的重点环节

    On the Teaching of Last Ball Technique in Tennis

  7. 我国优秀青年男子网球选手正手大力击上旋球动作的生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis of the Powerful Forehand Topspin of the Chinese Elite Young Male Tennis Players

  8. 排球上旋球手法教学探讨

    Upper Spin in Volleyball and Its Teaching

  9. 职业网球运动员就是“知道”如何回一个上旋球。

    A professional tennis player just " knows " how to return a ball with a topspin .

  10. 运动员可以使用上旋球、下旋球和侧旋球。

    A player may use top spin , back spin or side spin . A knuckle ball .

  11. 解决方案A:记得,没有由低到高的挥拍要授予上旋球是不可能的。

    Solution A : Remember , it 's impossible to impart topspin without a low to high swing .

  12. 本文针对网球上旋球技术教学的重点环节进行了分析与探讨。

    This essay emphasizes on the analysis and research on the key part of tennis top spin technology teaching .

  13. 她的上旋球、下旋球和侧旋球技能对她取得决赛胜利起到了很大的作用。

    Her top spin , back spin and side spin contributed a lot to her winning of the final .

  14. 有人曾经怀疑他极端的握拍方法以及强有力有力的上旋球等适合土场作战的技术是否能在其他赛场上所向无敌。

    Some doubted whether his extreme grip and massive topspin game which is made for clay could shine on other surfaces .

  15. 丁宁使用控制技术创造机会能力较差,其优势在于将球转为上旋球后的相持。

    Ding Ning is not good at creating opportunities with controlling skills ; her advantage lies in the rallying after make the ball up-spin .

  16. 软式排球由于球体较软,重心不易掌握,不易发出上旋球和飘球。

    Soft volleyball is very soft and the weight is not easy to grasp . So it is difficult to served spin and float ball .

  17. 所有的发球技巧,罗纳德似乎都懂&反手上旋球和下旋球、手上旋球和下旋球以及高抛球。

    Ronald seems to know all kinds of serve techniques-the backhand topspin and backspin serves , the forehand topspin and backspin serves , and the high toss serves .

  18. 软式排球在正面上手传球教学中的应用发球方法包括,反手上旋球和下旋球,正手上旋球和下旋球。和高抛发球。

    Soft Volleyball in the Application of the Teaching of Passing the Ball Face to Face ; Services include the backhand topspin and backspin serves , the forehand topspin and backspin serves , and the high toss service .

  19. 上旋弧线球的射门技术

    Brief Analyse the Skill of Upward Loop Pitch Ball Shooting

  20. 极快的挥拍速度是我们在击打上旋角度球或突然摆短球时使用这款球拍的一个乐趣。

    We found racquet head speed easy to generate making this racquet a joy when hitting topspin angles or when taking a rip at short balls .

  21. 需要补充的是,更多上旋意味着过网高度更高,但上旋将会将球拉回到球场,这样你的击球更稳定。

    Addditionally , putting more spin on the ball lets you hit higher over the net but still have the ball pulled back down into the court , making you more consistent .