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  • 网络God's punishment
  1. 那可怜巴巴的收成被看作是上帝的惩罚。

    The poor harvest was seen as a visitation of god .

  2. 一些基督教徒认为,这是因为人们罪孽深重,受到上帝的惩罚。

    Some Christians thought they were being punished for their sins ;

  3. 他们认为这场瘟疫是上帝的惩罚。

    They believed the plague was a visitation of god .

  4. 在乌利亚等人看来蝗灾是上帝的惩罚

    To men like Uriah , the locust are the wrath of God .

  5. 或许说是上帝的惩罚?

    Or of the punishment of god ?

  6. 请等一下好吗,我在请求上帝的惩罚。

    Susan : Can you just give me a second , I am asking God to kill me .

  7. 人们完全不知道这个疯子怎么了,是魔鬼附体呢,还是因做孽受到上帝的惩罚呢?

    Had he been possessed by a devil or evil spirit ? Was God punishing him for wrong-doing ?

  8. 如果你不改变你的做法,你将会受到上帝的惩罚。

    If you don 't change your ways , you 'll call down the wrath of God upon yourself .

  9. 小说表明违反伦理规范的犹太人,应尽早回头,否则上帝的惩罚最终会降临到头上。

    The novel shows that Jews who disobey ethical norms should return to ethics as soon as possible , and otherwise , punishments will befall on them .

  10. 同时也很伤心。他们有点害怕。当地的宗教和传统告诉他们,孩子的这种状况可能是上帝的惩罚。

    They were sad . And they were a little afraid . Local religion and tradition told them that the child 's condition could be a punishment from God .

  11. 他正确的断言以色列北部撒马利亚于西元前722年毁灭,他还宣布亚述人将是行使上帝的惩罚的工具。

    He correctly predicted the destruction of Samaria , or northern Israel , in 722 BC , and he declared the Assyrians to be the instrument of God 's wrath .

  12. 有谣言在流传,说是来自上帝的惩罚。接着,他们在去旅馆的半路上震惊的发现一个死人。

    There were rumors in the air that it was punishment from God . Next , on the way to hotel , they were shocked to see a dead man on the road .

  13. 村民们认为这场风暴是上帝对他们的惩罚。

    The villagers thought that the storm was a visitation of God .

  14. 你们以为洛伦索死了,是上帝给佛罗伦萨的惩罚?

    The death of Lorenzo is the scourge God has propared for florence ?

  15. 那次荒算是上帝对他们罪孽的惩罚。

    The famine was a visitation of God for their sins .

  16. 上帝才是最后的裁决者。我认为,被告从上帝那里得到的惩罚将比从人类得到的惩罚更加严重。我的内心为逝去的所有人而恸哭。

    God will be the final arbiter , and I think the defendant faces far more serious punishment from the Lord than he can ever face from mankind , for what has going through my heart , I was really crying for loss .