- ascending motion

The convergence of the southwesterly to the north of 30 ° N along the northwest of the WPSA strengthens the local ascending motion , which provides a large-scale background favorable for the torrential rain .
The warm core occurs , the cyclone vorticity increases and the divergence alternates with height in the middle-level at the forming stage of MCC , and the levels of ascending motion are thick .
A Possible Developing Mechanism of the Slantwise Updraft in the Eyewall of the 1992 Hurricane Andrew - Nonlinear Convective and Symmetrical Instability
The strong positive helicity and the intensive convergence of Q vectors at the low level in the raining area indicate that there was superposition of mesoscale and synoptic-scale ascending motions .
Potential instability that exists with conditional symmetrical stability make the vertical ascend movement in θ e big value area and slope ascend movement in θ e surface ( Meiyu front area ) produce and maintain .
Moreover , the horizontal vorticity of x-direction gradually develops into the configuration that is positive in southern rain area and minus in the north .
The weak convergence upward motion of the friction term is located in the eye , which behaves like Ekman pumping .
So the EAS ( A ) Boomerang sequence is more effective than ESA Straight Arrows sequence . Analysis of Upward Motion of Boomerang Sediment Corer after Sampling
Upward motion dominated the whole layer of inner eyewall and the area above 2 km altitude of the outer eyewall .
Furthermore , along the meridional plane there is an ascending motion over the cloud zones of ITCZ , which turns descending while reaching northwards the subtropical zone and southwards the equatorial buffer zone .
The Qx and Qy 's cross section analysis showed that the vertical ascending motion was always in the cross position of Qx 's ( or Qy 's ) positive and negative values ;
The Australia anticyclone and the west part of the Subtropical anticyclone in the Western Pacific ( Eastern China Sea monsoon region ) are the indication of the joint impact of Southern and Northern Hemisphere circulation on CEF .
It is shown that the Rossby waves possess a tilting spiral structure , which represents that the stream field is horizontal convergence at lower layer and ascending motion in front of trough , but descending motion and horizontal divergence at lower layer behind the trough .
To the south of the ITCZ over the southwest monsoon area there also is an ascending motion . Along the direction of the ITCZ the ascending motion occurs over the cloud cluster areas and the descending motion over the cloudless sectors .
The especial structure of vertical distribution of divergence in mesoscale convective system , namely the double structures of convergence-divergence from lower levels of troposphere to upper level , has an important role in forming strong ascending motion and deep convective formation of heavy storm rain .
The sub-circulation caused by coupling of left convergence of east jet at 850 hPa and right divergence of entering place of southwest jet at 200 hPa supplied a continuous and powerful updraft .
The horizontal wind and ascending motion from ground surface to 700 hPa was the driving force of this sandstorm , the convective instability from ground surface to 850 hPa was its thermal instability condition , and temperature uprising and arid ground surface offered abundant dust substance .
The initial ascent of an airplane as it becomes airborne .
The Ascending Motion of the Filament and the Direct Electric Field Acceleration
Analysis of Upward Motion of Boomerang Sediment Corer after Sampling
The cloud bands originate from the convergence along the typhoon shear lines .
The rainfall is located in the area perpendicular to the rising area .
Observation and Analysis of Going-up Movement of Bubbles
The center of ascending motion swings around the equator with variation of seasons .
The circulation is not close cricoid movement but the screw type ascending movement .
The ascending motion in cle air mass enlarges the intensity of cold air incessantly .
There is strong water vapor transport and convergence upward movement in the physical field .
This sound meditation is a gentle yet potent means to facilitate this upward movement .
During the rain process , the conversion from sinking to ascending made the convection possible .
The ageostrophic effect was trigger mechanism for ascending motion development in heavy rain mesoscale system .