
  • 网络emerged coast
  1. 本文对南设得兰群岛乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛周围现代和上升海岸地貌进行了研究。认为现代海岸地貌有三类:碎屑海岸、基岩海岸和冰崖海岸。

    Field investigation of the modern coastal phenomena around the Fildes Peninsula of King George Island , South Shetland Islands , Antarctica permits us to suggest that there are three kinds of modern coastal features : fragmental coast , rock coast and ice cliff coast .

  2. 海平面上升对海岸蚀退有一定影响。

    Sea-level rise has , some impacts on coastal erosion and retrogress .

  3. 海平面上升、海岸带灾害与海岸防护问题

    Sea level rist , Coastal Disaster and coastal protection

  4. 海平面上升的海岸形态响应研究方法与进展

    Response of coast to sea level rise : a review of study methods

  5. 中国闽粤沿海现代海平面上升的海岸地貌响应

    Coastal geomorphic response to the present - day sea level rise in Fujian and Guangdong

  6. 逐年上升的海岸线也会摧毁像纽约和东京这样的沿海城市。

    Years of rising sea levels will also destroy coastal cities like New York and Tokyo .

  7. 澳大利亚研究人员近日表示,受海平面上升和海岸侵蚀影响,太平洋上的5座小岛已经彻底消失。

    Five tiny Pacific islands have disappeared amid rising seas and erosion , Australian researchers say .

  8. 海平面上升对海岸带环境的影响与危害及其防治对策

    A study on Impacts of sea level elevation on coastal zone environment and measures for prevention and control

  9. 海退时完成造礁。现今,牡蛎礁出露低潮带是地壳上升和海岸侵蚀的结果。

    Today , the oyster bank is exposed at the low-water line as a the result of the crustal rising and the coastal erosion .

  10. 海平面上升对海岸变化的影响是缓慢、长效的,随着海平面上升速率的加大,海平面变化产生的影响也逐渐加强。

    Sea-level rise causes the shoreline recession slowly and continuously , and its effect will increase with the acceleration of sea-level rise in the future .

  11. 准层序Ⅱ沉积时海平面不断上升,海岸线向陆方向推进,砂体逐步向陆方向上超超覆。

    The sea levels is rising , the coastline is prograding to the land and the sand body is gradually overlapping to the coastline when the sequences I deposit .

  12. 在数年后领土归属案件进行审理之时,支持各国领土主张的科学测量数据可能已经过时,因为到那时,海平面已上升,海岸线已后撤。

    Scientific measurements made to support territorial claims could be out of date by the time cases are adjudicated years later , when sea levels have risen and coasts retreated .

  13. 面对海平面上升和海岸带灾害的不断发展以及越来越多的低滩围垦情况,必须认识加强海岸防护对发展区域经济的重要性。

    Sea level rise , coastal disaster development and more and more low tidal flat inning made it imperative to recognize the significance of coastal protection in development of regional economy .

  14. 海平面上升引起的海岸自然脆弱性评价&以珠江口沿岸为例

    Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise : Preliminary Results for the Coastlines along the Pearl River Mouth

  15. 海面上升影响山地海岸的两种机制及对策&以山东半岛东北部为例


  16. 海岸带基本环境问题包括地质资源利用、人为工程环境、流域环境变化、海平面上升等对海岸带环境影响4个方面。

    Basic coastal environmental problems are represented by geologic resource utilization , artificial engineering environment , drainage-area environment changes , and influences of sea-level rise on the coastal environment .

  17. 春天来得越来越早,永冻带正在融化,海平面日益上升正加剧海岸侵蚀,而动物和鸟类正改变迁徙和繁殖的模式。

    Spring is coming earlier , permafrost is melting and coastal erosion is increasing under the influence of rising sea levels , while animals and birds are changing their migration and reproductive patterns .

  18. 文中使用这些新的结论来计算潮汐洪水,发现如果没有人为排放造成的海平面上升,美国东海岸城镇目前的潮汐洪水中,大约有四分之三都不会发生。

    used the new findings to calculate that roughly three-quarters of the tidal floods now occurring in towns along the American East Coast would not be happening in the absence of sea-level rise caused by human emissions .

  19. 河流溯源堆积导致的入海泥沙减少,可能使原有海岸蚀退加剧.对海面上升可能给山地海岸资源与环境带来的影响,建议加强观测与研究,进行合理规划与管理,并采取必要的工程措施。

    To prevent the possible effects of sealevel rise on the natural resources and environment mountainous coasts , the author proposes that the observation and research should be strengthened , rational planning and management should be made and necessary engineering measures should be taken .