
Relying on the DNA technology , thousands of criminals can be nailed up mysteriously by sorting from tens of thousands of suspects ; hundreds of innocent people have escaped from death penalty or have newly obtained the freedom after staying in jail for several years .
But Kevin Mandia , chief operating officer of cyber security company FireEye , said companies were right to fear being forced to disclose attacks as some were " crucified " in a " point and blame atmosphere . "
Mary was pregnant at the time of the crucifixion .
Should Christ have refused the cross ?
We gotta go back , man . Christine will fucking crucify me , Miles .
When Christ was crucified ;
The Christian whose mind will have no trouble conjuring up the association of Jesus just prior to his crucifixion .
Pilate 's executioners crucified Jesus , though the God they nailed to the cross was put to death as a sacrifice .
She is usually drawn with her arms spread out , and claims that it looks like it says ," The saint was crucified " .
God , who the Bible says is " rich in mercy ," sent His Son to suffer and die on the cross for guilty sinners .
" Petipa farmers " in the layout have very strict rules , each a " Petipa " farmers must have a scene of prisoners being crucified .
As a symbol of people longing for happiness , the cross of Jesus , the Father , the Son , the Virgin Mary are often seen in the painting .
Jesus knew that soon He Himself would go to the cross to die for the sins of this young man , and for the sins of the whole world .
If she is right , then the paradoxical Christian teaching that God the son , being crucified , is both " victim and priest " in an act of supreme sacrifice becomes easier to understand .
They set fire to the city and massacred all the inhabitants . The protagonist arrives at midnight in the middle of the fog , he slays the dragon and crucifies it in front of the castle .
Joseph of Arimathea , the man who gave up his own tomb so that Jesus could be buried in it , kept the Grail and collected Jesus'blood in it when Jesus was put to death on a cross .
When Jesus quietly allowed wicked men to curse Him and spit on Him , to beat Him and then nail Him to a cross , was He taking punishment for His sin ? No , for He never sinned .
Joseph of Arimathea , the man who gave up his own tomb so that Jesus could be buried in it , kept the Grail and collected Jesus " blood in it when Jesus was put to death on a cross .
You see that cross over on top of that church steepie ?
The cross at the top symbolizes Christ .
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags .
You see , the Cross of Christ where he died for our sins , that was a judgment .
That cross you wear around your neck , is it only a decoration , or are you a true Christian believer ?
A little old gentleman with a star , and a German official with a cross on his neck , joined the group .
He is perfectly successful in the cross on the lectern , the gospel , and the drapery that hangs down from the lectern .
That is why , no matter which Master you might name , none imagined themselves to be victimized & though many were truly crucified .
The country had been crucified , as the poets of the Romantic era put it , awaiting a resurrection which did not occur until 1918 .
Crosses were etched into the walls
Watermark is embedded on the mid-frequency spectrum , and the positions are considered in a rectangle which is symmetric to one side of the cross . While the specific embed positions are determined by a one-way hash function .
From being branded a fraudster to being accused of running a Ponzi scheme , Goel was " crucified " on the cross of cynicism .