
  • 网络upload speed;Upload rate
  1. 据它的作者所说,ScaleUp提高了上传速度、支持不受限的上传文件大小,将每台服务器同时支持的上传数提升到上千个,并且包含了进度报告、流传输和过滤等等。

    According to its creators , ScaleUp increases upload speed , supports unlimited upload file sizes , scales up to thousands of uploads per server , and includes progress reporting , streaming and filtering .

  2. 你正在下载的那个人可能正在平行的上传给许多其他的用户,他们可能设定了一个相当低的上传速度或者可能就是没有足够的带宽。

    The person you 're downloading from may be uploading to a number of other users in parallel , they may have set a rather low upload speed limit or may just have not had a lot of bandwidth to begin with .

  3. 如果你发现图片上传速度突然降了50%,你下一步行动计划是什么?

    Tell me your plan of action if you saw that photo uploads suddenly dropped by 50 % .

  4. 用聊天室中和搜索结果中的速度估算用户的上传速度。

    Use the upload speed column in chatrooms and search results for a half-assed estimate of users'upload speeds .

  5. 在市场上最好的调制解调器增强剂之一,它能增强你的下载和上传速度调制解调器的能力。

    One of the best modem enhancers on the market , it boosts download and upload speeds your modem is capable of .

  6. 罗伯逊对此解释说,那是因为我用的是有线宽带连接。这种网络连接方式以其上传速度之慢而闻名。

    Robertson told me it was because I was using a cable broadband connection , which is notorious for slow upload speeds .

  7. 仿真实验表明,文章提出的方法能提高备份文件的上传速度,增强备份系统的可靠性。

    Simulation results show that the methods can improve the upload velocity of backuping file , and enhance reliability on backup system .

  8. 对于许多因特网用户来说,上传速度比下载速度慢得多,所以性能对请求的大小更敏感。

    For many Internet users , upload speeds can be significantly slower than downloads , and so performance can be more sensitive to request size .

  9. 使用5G网络,上传和下载速度更快。

    And upload and download faster on the go with 5G .

  10. 将iPhone5S和GalaxyS5同时在美国电话电报公司(AT&TInc.,T)网络下运行,在旧金山六个地点中的五个,后者都比前者的上传下载平均速度更快。

    During simultaneous testing with an iPhone 5S on the AT & T network , the Galaxy S5 logged faster median downloads and uploads in five of six San Francisco area locations .

  11. 有一点不确定就是新iPad在4G移动数据的连通能力上,苹果似乎在LTE(LongTermEvolution长期演进)上遇到了一点小麻烦,LTE作为4G标准已经初具规模并且在上传和下载速度上都有着良好的表现。

    There was a bit more uncertainty about fourth-generation ( 4G ) mobile connectivity . Here , Apple seems to have dealt with several bugbears of Long Term Evolution ( LTE ) , an increasingly ubiquitous 4G standard capable of faster download rates and more consistent reception .

  12. 基于探测车实时上传数据的区间速度计算方法研究

    Study on Estimation Method of Section Speed Based on the Probe Vehicle Real Data