
sān lún mó tuō
  • three-wheel delivery motor lorry
  1. 通往Infosys的厂区的是一条坑坑洼洼的路,神圣的牛群、马拉车、三轮摩托就在我们的敞篷车旁横冲直撞。

    The Infosys campus is reached by a pockmarked road , with sacred cows , horse-drawn carts , and motorized rickshaws all jostling alongside our vans .

  2. 我开我的三轮摩托带你去我家。

    I 'll take you home in my three-wheeler morgan .

  3. 元。凯特:我们还要坐三轮摩托吗?

    Kate : Do we have to take a side-car motorcycle , too ?

  4. 这种三轮摩托比汽车要小。

    They are three-wheeled vehicles - smaller than cars .

  5. 我找了辆三轮摩托往城里驶去。

    And I arrange a ride into town .

  6. 倒三轮摩托跑车车架有限元分析及轻量化设计

    Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of the Frame of the Reverse Three Wheels Motorcycle

  7. 他得到了一辆边三轮摩托。

    He 's got that motorcycle sidecar .

  8. 三轮摩托的开放式侧面便于乘客进出。

    The tuk-tuk 's open sides make it easy for passengers to get in and out .

  9. 印度当局也为标准的出租车和三轮摩托制定了收费标准,确保车费有一定上限。同时,印度当局还严格限制出租车和三轮摩托的牌照,以确保供应处于紧张状态。

    Indian authorities also set the fares of standard taxis and autorickshaws , keeping a lid on prices , while simultaneously restricting the number of taxi and rickshaw licences to keep supply tight .

  10. 参与这种暴力行为的还有公交大巴、三轮小摩托和微型货车的司机。

    They were joined in the violence by the drivers of public transportation buses , three-wheeled scooters and minivans .