
sān jiǎo mào yì
  • triangular trade;three-cornered trade
  1. 经济学家理查德•凯兹(RichardKatz)发现了能充分说明这种三角贸易的证据:2000年到2007年间,日本全球出口与美国全球进口之间的相关度为86%。

    Economist Richard Katz found stark evidence for this triangular trade : an 86 per cent correlation between Japan 's global exports and US global imports between 2000 and 2007 .

  2. 这就是三角贸易的第一段航程。

    That was the first leg of the triangular trade .

  3. 我们三方可进行三角贸易。

    A triangle trade can be carried out among the three of us .

  4. 东印度公司与英、印、中三角贸易关系

    The East India Company and the Britain - India - China Trade Triangle

  5. 我们订一个三角贸易协议好吗?

    Shall we sign a triangle trade agreement ?

  6. 颈前筋膜在喉功能重建中的应用鸦片战争前英、印、中三角贸易的形成

    Forming of Triangular Trade Among the Great Britain , Indian and China Before the Opium War

  7. 三角贸易也就是在美洲、英国和非洲,接着再到美洲之间的贸易。

    That is , the trade between American , England , and Africa , and America again .

  8. 至此,印度生产鸦片而中国和东南亚消费鸦片的三角贸易格局正式形成。

    Thus Triangular Trade that opium was mainly produced in India and consumed in China and South-eastern Asia formed .

  9. 而在不同的历史时期,印度在三角贸易中的地位也相应的发生变化,最终成为整个贸易体系的基石。

    India 's position in the triangular trade had changed constantly and finally become a foundation stone of the whole trade .

  10. 这产生了各种精明且复杂的方法来隐藏这样的营利,包括外汇交易和三角贸易。

    This gave rise to artful and elaborate ways to disguise such profit-making , including foreign currency deals and triangular trading .

  11. 第四部分从中美日三角贸易的角度诠释了其对中日产业内贸易的影响。

    The fourth part explains the influence of the triangular trade among China , Japan and the US upon the Sino-Japan intra-industry trade .

  12. 中国主要以加工贸易的方式融入该区域的生产网路,为内部其它经济体提供加工组装的出口平台,成为新三角贸易的重要成员。

    China involves herself into the production network mainly by ways of processing trade , providing a platform for assembling and export , which constitutes a new triangle trading pattern within the area .

  13. 然而,中国经济的发展也面临着来自世界经济格局中的种种阻碍,如制造业的竞争性冲击,贸易保护主义的威胁,以及三角贸易的问题等。

    However , the development of China will be confronted with varied obstacles in the world economy , such as competitive shock in manufacturing industry , threat of protectionism , triangular trade problems , etc.

  14. 本文以成长三角贸易发展理论和国家竞争优势理论为基础,采用冲突分析技术,研究了图们江经济区贸易发展投资推动阶段的的冲突问题。

    On the basis of the trade development theory of growth triangle and theory of national competitive advantage and by means of the conflict analysis technique , we study the conflicts on the investment driving stage of trade development of Tumen River Economic Zone .

  15. 该章首先分析了西三角加工贸易的发展的现状与特点。

    This chapter first analyzes the development of processing trade status and features in " the West Triangle " .

  16. 第四章西三角加工贸易的发展与承接实践分析。

    The forth part is about the development and undertaking of processing trade practice in " the West Triangle " .

  17. 进出口高度相关的珠三角加工贸易时代,进口渗透率促进劳动收入份额上升;

    In the time of import-export related processing trade in the Pearl River Delta , import penetration rates promote labor demand and thus raise the labor income share .

  18. 二是采用协整分析和向量误差修正模型对珠三角对外贸易和外商直接投资的关系进行实证分析,并对实证结果进行解读。

    Secondly , use empirical analysis as co-integration analysis and vector error correction model to analysis relationship between trade and foreign direct investment , and interpretation of empirical results .

  19. 西三角加工贸易的发展与承接在近几年均有不同程度的增长,但总额较小,出口产品结构不断得到优化,并且加工出口区在其出口中占主导力量。

    The development of processing trade have grew up in recent years , the product structure which exports continue to be optimized and export processing zones play dominant role in exports .

  20. 再然后又从加工贸易转移的必要性和西三角承接加工贸易的可能性角度分析承接的现实基础。

    And then introduce the necessity and possibility of undertaking processing trade analysis the realistic basis in " the West Triangle " .

  21. 最后分析了西三角承接加工贸易存在的外部与内部问题。第五章我国加工贸易影响因素实证分析。

    Finally the external and internal problems exist in the development of processing trade in " the West Triangle " . The fifth chapter is empirical analysis .