
  • 网络triangle method;method of triangle;Triangulation
  1. 按K设计平面曲柄摇杆机构解三角形法的探讨

    A Discussion of Designing Winch Rocker Machine with the Triangle Method According to the Modulus K

  2. 主要利用了三角形法计算3D特征点,然后利用分层重构的理论将射影结构提升到度量结构。

    We use the triangle method to compute the characteristic points , and then updating the projective construction to measurement construction which using the theory of stratum .

  3. Fuzzy聚类的等腰直角三角形法

    Method of isosceles right triangle on Fuzzy clustering

  4. 首先介绍了3种常用的IHS变换方法三角形法、六棱锥法和圆柱体法,并给出了圆柱体法和三角形法的推导过程。

    Three conventional methods of IHS transformation have been introduced firstly .

  5. 探讨了用解三角形法,解决按行程速比系数K设计平面曲柄摇杆机构的问题,并给出了实例。

    The method of triangle is used , the problem of designing plane winch rocker machine according to the modulus K of journey speed ratio is solved , and some examples are given in this article .

  6. 基于中国大陆GPS观测在国际地球参考框架(ITRF)获得的站点位置,由三角形法通过反演逐年推算中国大陆年微动态应变场。

    Based on the time series of GPS station coordinate in the international earth reference frame , we evaluate annual micro-behavior of strain field in Chinese mainland with the triangle method .

  7. 根据画法几何中的旋转重合原理,给出了利用直角三角形法求椭圆短轴及用旋转投影法画椭圆的新方法。系统地介绍了E.介绍这一系统的原理、构造及操作。

    According to the rotation projection principle of descriptive geometry , a new method to construct an ellipse is presented by use of the right triangle principle to draw the minor axis and the rotating projection methed to draw the ellipse .

  8. 进一步,为了使用户能更清晰、直观地观测到变压器当前运行故障在故障空间中的位置,该综合诊断专家系统同时给出了可视化立体图示法和杜威(Duval)三角形法。

    Furthermore , in this expert system , we present the visualized cubic schema method and visualized Duval triangular schema method to make the subscriber have a clean and intuitionistic view of the position of the transformer faults .

  9. 凹多边形的矢量&三角形法自动识别与剖分

    Vector - triangle for Automatic Recognition and Triangulation of Concave Polygon

  10. 差积三角形法在水文计算中的应用

    The Usage of Differential Triangle in the Calculation of Hydrology

  11. 采用不规则三角形法计算土方的软件研制

    Research on Programming Method of Irregular Triangular for Earthwork Calculation

  12. 基于光学三角形法的太阳帆板平面度测量系统

    Planeness measuring system of solar panel substrate by an optical triangulation method

  13. 采用三角形法测量物体三维轮廓。

    The 3-D profile measurement with triangle method is presented .

  14. 平面四杆机构辅助三角形法设计

    Design of auxiliary triangle method for the planar four - bar linkages

  15. 用向量三角形法分析平面复杂连杆机构的运动

    Analyzing complex planar linkage with solving the vector triangle

  16. 光栅投影三角形法测量物体的三维轮廓

    3-D profile measurement using grating projection with triangle method

  17. 应用消失点三角形法作倾斜透视图

    Making of the Oblique Perspective Drawing by Applying the Triangle of Vanishing Points

  18. 直角三角形法的实质&谈对求一般位置直线的实长教学的改进

    The Nature of the Method of Right Triangle

  19. 广义直角三角形法图解空间角度问题研究

    Research of space angles by graphic method Problems

  20. 新直角三角形法在图解空间角度问题中的应用

    Research on Space Angles by Graphic Method

  21. 计算复杂多边形面积的组合三角形法

    Combined triangle algorithm of complex polygon area

  22. 拉伸压力机停歇机构的优化设计及矢量三角形法

    The optimum design about the intermitent movement of drawing presses and the vector triangle method

  23. 压力机多杆机构优化设计中的矢量三角形法

    The vector triangle method in the optimum design of the linkage system of drawing press

  24. 三种方法中直角三角形法应用最广。

    A right triangle method is the most widely used in three kinds of methods .

  25. 最后,利用矩阵分解的方法和三角形法建立了场景的三维模型。

    Finally , a scene reconstruction is set up using matrix decomposition method and triangulation method .

  26. 分析激光在作为测量光源时的特点,提出使用三角形法进行快速尺寸测量时求激光漫反射中心的新算法。

    Presents a new central algorithm of laser diffuse reflection line employed in rapid non contact inspection system .

  27. 采用的诊断判据主要包括改良三比值法、大卫三角形法、神经网络和范例推理。

    The multi-expert is mainly composed of three-ratio method , Duval 's triangle , neural network and case-based reasoning .

  28. 介绍任意等分圆周的几何作图法及所推导的解析表达式,提出用解三角形法解决正多边形零件在设计和加工中的计算问题。

    For solving regular polygon , the author presents a geometrograph which pides the circumference uniformly and arbitrarily ; and derives an analytic expression .

  29. 将三角形法和能量重心校正法进行了对比,得出三角形法对噪声不太敏感的结论。

    The method of triangle is compared with energy centrobaric correction method , with the conclusion that method of triangle is less sensitive to noise .

  30. 该文提出了一种适用于连续波雷达测速的、稳健的离散频谱校正方法,即三角形法。

    A robust correcting method for discrete spectrum in CW radar velocity measuring is proposed in this paper , t is named the method of triangle .