
  1. 诗书画三绝之黄丹书

    Huang Dan-shu ," Three Bests " in Poetry , Calligraphy and Painting

  2. 这回扬州小吃的三绝你可都尝遍了。

    Now you 've tasted all three of Yangzhou 's snack wonders .

  3. 这就是扬州小吃的第三绝。

    This is Yangzhou 's third snack wonder .

  4. 在这三方面都有特长的人物通常称之为三绝,对此也给以很高评价。

    A person who has special skills in all three areas is called triple uniques .

  5. 哈密国三立三绝与明朝对土鲁番的政策

    On the Three-time establishment and Three-time Ruin of Hami State and the Policy of Ming Dynasty to Turpan

  6. 书诗学三绝的文化巨匠&莫友芝生平人品与主要学术成就评介

    On the Master the Calligraphy , Poem and Learning & Evaluations on Moral Quality and Main Academic Achievements of Mo Youzhi

  7. 特别值得一提的是,华西从一名民间画工变成一名诗书画三绝的职业文人画家,令人倍增敬意。

    In particular , Hua Yan from a folk into a poem calligraphy and painting for the occupation of literati painters , a multiplier .

  8. 说到天津三绝,自然而然想起一个故事,就是“狗不理”包子这个名字的由来。

    Speaking of the three unique delicacies of Tianjin , I naturally came upon a story which tells how the Goubuli steamed stuffed bun gets its name .

  9. 在安徽省南部有着悠久的修建牌坊的历史,许多牌坊至今保存完好。牌坊是当地古代建筑的“三绝”之一,与古祠堂、古民居鼎足齐名。

    history of archway pursuit With a time-honored building up southern Anhui has many well-preserved memorial archway , archways enjoying equal reputation with the ancient shrines folk houses .

  10. 被誉为“古建三绝”之一的徽州古牌坊,它与徽州的古民居、古祠堂一起,为徽州的历史和地域文化写下了瑰丽多采的乐章。

    The memorial arches , ancient dwellings and ancestral temples in Huizhou district are known as the " Three Ancient Architecture Wonders " in the historical culture of Huizhou district .

  11. “狗不理”包子号称天津三绝之一,享誉中外,至今已有百余年的历史。

    " Goubuli " steamed stuffed bun is one of the three special foods in Tianjin with a history of over one hundred years , which is well-known both home and abroad .

  12. 华喦是清代康乾盛世享有很高声誉的扬州八怪之一,他工画,善书,能诗,时称三绝。

    Hua Yan is " in the Qing Dynasty Kangxi and Qianlong prosperity " enjoyed a high reputation of the " Eight Wonders of Yangzhou " one of , he is painting , good book , can the poem , called " sanjue " .