
sān děnɡ jiǎnɡ
  • third prize
  1. 结果没想到,连个三等奖也没有。

    But out of his expectation , he even failed to get the third prize .

  2. 在国内处于领先地位,填补了我国在此项目的空白,并荣获南昌市科技三等奖。

    A leading position in China to fill China gap in this project , and won third prize in Nanchang technology .

  3. 他们那麽努力才获得三等奖,真有点说不过去。

    Getting third prize is poor consolation for all their hard work .

  4. 论文《逸品审美思想浅析》获三等奖。

    Dissertation ," Ideology of the Aesthetic Yiping " won the third prize .

  5. 2007年11月获得西南大学2006-2007年度硕士研究生优秀奖学金三等奖;

    11Gain excellent scholarship of2006-2007 southwest university year Master degree candidates third prize ;

  6. 本科专业是环境科学,并获得湖北省优秀硕士论文三等奖。

    My postgraduate essay won the third price of best essay in Hubei province .

  7. 大赛设一、二、三等奖及优秀奖、最佳组织奖。

    Race-based first , second and third prize and award , Best Organization Award .

  8. 该系统获国家科技进步三等奖。

    This design is awarded : the third award of national science and technology progress .

  9. 获人民奖学金三等奖

    Be awarded the Third-Class People 's Scholarship

  10. 因此,获得了该行2008年度科技项目三等奖。

    Therefore , it has gained that row 2008 year science and technology project third prize .

  11. 我去年获得了湖北省政府颁发的科研三等奖。

    I got a third-class prize for mu scientific research from Hubei Provincial Government last year .

  12. 因此,荣获了北京市1984年科技成果三等奖。

    Thus the Third Prize of Beijing 's Scientific and Technical Achievements was awarded in 1984 .

  13. 《暮秋》参加全国遵义杯书画大展,获三等奖;

    Little Goat was exhibited in the National Calligraphy and Painting Competition and won first prize ;

  14. 三等奖获得者正在接受他们的颁奖。

    The third prize winner is receiving the certificate and gift from the foreign teacher , Rus .

  15. 玩味时尚&2006年海峡两岸四地室内设计大奖赛三等奖作品

    Ponder on Fashion & Work of 3 ~ ( rd ) Award of 2006 Cross-strait Interior Design Competition

  16. 三等奖获得者讲叙了一个很感人的故事,让我们更知道去珍惜父母和孩子之间的爱。

    The third prize winner told a touching story which help us cherish love between parents and children .

  17. 实际付的只是一些末奖,头、二、三等奖的得主都是不存在的人。

    Only small sums were actually paid out , the winners of the big prizes being non-existent persons .

  18. 服用中药汤剂的临床护理体会(三等奖)中药汤剂应用中存在的问题与建议

    Nursing Experience of Taking Chinese Medicine Decoction The problem and suggestion in the usage of decoction of herbal medicine

  19. 本机组荣获商业部1988年科技成果三等奖。

    The whole system won the third prize for Scientific and Technological Achievements by the Ministry of Commerce in 1988 .

  20. 2007年度国家环保总局颁发的环境保护科学技术三等奖。

    This research was honored with the third-class award of SEPA 's Environmental Protection Science and Technology Awards ( 2007 ) .

  21. 2004年《头部降温帽的临床应用》获省卫生厅新技术应用三等奖。

    In2004 ," the head of the clinical application of cooling cap " Health Department application of new technologies in third .

  22. 冷凝器橡胶衬里项目获得了上海市科技成果三等奖。

    The technology of rubber lining for condenser wins the third level prize of " Shanghai Scientific and technical Achievements " .

  23. 温泉之星艺术设计获从化市政府科技成果三等奖;

    Awarded the third prize for Scientific Achievement by Conghua Municipality Government for designing the art project of Hot Spring Star .

  24. 图为被关闭的夏威夷海岸,赢得了广角类三等奖。

    The photo was taken off the coast of Kona , Hawaii , and won third prize in the wide-angle category .

  25. 主持承担了多项国家各类别的科研项目,获得多项科技进进步一等奖、二等奖、三等奖。

    He has taken charge of a great variety of national scientific projects and received great awards due to his outstanding contributions .

  26. 1999年获全国小提琴比赛三等奖;2002年荣获中国西部小提琴演奏比赛一等奖。

    She won the third prize in China national violin competition in1999 and the first prize in China west violin competition in2002 .

  27. 该设备已获得国家专利,其应用成果获中国石化集团公司科技进步三等奖。

    This equipment has obtained a state patent and has been awarded a3rd-class prize by SINOPEC for the results of its application .

  28. 2004年获北京市科技进步三等奖,首都精神文明建设奖。

    In2004 , Lei Ting was awarded the3rd Prize of Beijing Science & Technology Development and Capital Construction of Spiritual Civilization Prize .

  29. 之后阿里参加了一个备受瞩目的儿童长跑比赛,希望能取得三等奖——一双新鞋子。

    Ali then enters a high-profile children 's racing competition in hopes of receiving the third-prize , a new pair of sneakers .

  30. 去年的比赛中,我校的郑东成和张璐璐同学荣获广东省二、三等奖。

    In the competition of last year , Zheng Dongcheng and Zhang Lulu from our school earned the second-class and the third-class prizes respectively .