sān huánɡ
- 名the Three Primordial Sovereigns: Fuxi, Shennong, and Huangdi
- the Three Emperors-Sui Ren,Fu Hsi, and Shen Nung;or Tian Huang, Ti Huang and Ren Huang

[the Three Emperors-Sui Ren,Fu Hsi, and Shen Nung; or Tian Huang, Ti Huang and Ren Huang] 中国传说中的古代三个帝王。通常指燧人伏羲、神农或者天皇、地皇、人皇
When it came to the age of the Three Emperors , the situation got even worse .
Fuxi , one of the three emperors , also a title of endless heaven , was among the ancestors of " the Five Tribes " in ancient China .
Fuxi was the first ancestor of humanities , he and N ü wa ( one of the three emperiors ) were all born in the place of Chengji , now Qin an , Tianshui of Gansu province .