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  1. 提出一种由偏心减速机构、滤波花键机构及三向止推轴承组成的新型滤波减速器(专利号CN1699793A)。

    Presented a new type of filtering gear reducer ( China patent CN1699793A ), which consists of eccentric reducing mechanism , filtering spline gear mechanism and three-way antithrust bearing , and its structure , theory and trains were introduced .

  2. 三连接止回阀应该是可拆卸和可维修的,不需要采用特殊工具。

    Tri-link checks shall be removable and serviceable , without the use of special tools .

  3. 到六月三日止,猪流感已经触及到所有世卫组织分区,目前已经涉及74个国家。

    By3 June , swine flu had reached every WHO region , and it has now been detected in74 countries .

  4. 结果比较三组患者止疱、止痛、结痂、痊愈时间比较,B组和C组都与A组存在显著性差异(P<0.05);

    Results There were significant difference showed in Group B or Group C compared with group A from the time of cure of herpes , pain , scab and the shingles clear up ( P < 0.05 );

  5. 若只是小渴,服此方二、三服即止。

    If only a little thirsty , taking this side two , three stocks last .

  6. 关口以西的长城城墙,在经过一个保存完整的三眼楼之后止于一段陡峭的山崖。

    West of the Pass , after a well-preserved3X3 defense tower , the Great Wall stops at a steep cliff .