
  1. 重庆市南岸区三次产业结构形态步入工业化进程II期,相当于“下中等收入国家”水平。

    The third industry structure of Nanan District of Chongqing has entered the II period of industrialization , which equals to the level of middle-income countries .

  2. 论文主要采用格兰杰因果检验法和回归方法,来分析三次产业结构、基础设施与物流成本占GDP比重间的关系。本文主要应用的是中美两国产业结构、基础设施、物流成本数据。

    In this study , we adopt the test of Granger causality and Multiple regression to figure out the exact relationship of industry structure 、 infrastructure and logistics costo This article mainly apply to the data of US and China .

  3. 第五部分,通过SPSS相关性分析、ADF平稳性检验、协整分析、格兰杰因果检验统计计量方法对安徽省三次产业结构与城市化的相关性以及因果关系进行实证分析。

    In the fifth section , through correlation analysis of SPSS , the ADF stationary test , cointegration analysis , the Granger causality test statistics measurement , empirical analysis on the relationship and causality between tertiary industrial structure and urbanization Anhui Province are carried out .

  4. 然后采用LMID分解法分解三次产业结构对能源强度的影响,结果表明工业是影响能源强度的主要因素。

    And then using the LMID method decomposes the effects of three industrial structure on energy intensity , the results show that industry is the main factor affecting energy intensity .

  5. 美国三次产业结构现状及未来趋势变动分析

    Analysis on Present Situation and Future Tendency of US Industrial Structures

  6. 河南省三次产业结构分析及优化

    The Analysis and Optimization of Three-industry Structure of Henan Province

  7. 三次产业结构内部的比例结构存在问题。

    The problems of proportion structure within the three-industry structure .

  8. 三次产业结构失衡相互关联不强;

    It is unbalanced and relativity is not strong ;

  9. 三次产业结构趋向协调。

    The structures of primary , secondary and tertiary industries tend to become balanced .

  10. 第五章主要测算外商直接投资对三次产业结构造成的偏差值。

    Chapter five mainly measures the deviation value of industrial structure caused by FDI .

  11. 对浙江和上海两地三次产业结构、第三产业内部结构以及制造业内部结构进行比较之后认为,在产业结构的层次上,上海比浙江要明显的高出一个档次。

    Analysis of Shanghai and Zhejiang 's industry structure shows that Shanghai is obviously advanced than Zhejiang .

  12. 第二章实证分析台湾地区三次产业结构发展趋势。

    Chapter 2 makes theoretical study and positive analysis of the tertiary industry development in taiwan area .

  13. 边际消费倾向对我国三次产业结构优化作用研究

    A Study of the Impact of Marginal Propensity to Consume on Optimizing China 's Three Industries Structure

  14. 结构变动是指为了适应经济的发展,三次产业结构布局的不断调整、变化。

    The structure change is refers to adapt the economical development , three industrial structure layout continual readjustment .

  15. 文章分析辽宁省产业结构的现状,探讨辽宁省产业内部结构和效益,指明辽宁省产业结构中存在的四大问题:1.三次产业结构演变不合理。

    After analyzing the situation of industrial structure in LiaoNing province this paper points out four problems : 1 .

  16. 同时,甘井子区产业发展存在着三次产业结构比不合理、支柱产业竞争力不强、主导产业发展缓慢等问题。

    Meanwhile there still exists some problems such as the low competitive power of the pillar industries and so on.Recent1y .

  17. 最后,站在可持续发展的高度,探索构建我国三次产业结构调整的有效途径。

    Finally , based on sustainable development , this part explored the way of adjustment of our thrice industrial structure .

  18. 主要的途径是:一方面要加速三次产业结构的调整,使其结构比例关系进一步趋于合理;

    The main ideas are : one side , we should accelerate industry restructure to make the proportion in reason ;

  19. 我国三次产业结构的变动与一般发展模式是相符的,但结构升级缓慢;

    The change of the three-industry structure in our country conforms to the general mode , but the structure upgrades slowly ;

  20. 改革开放以来,随着外商直接投资的不断进入,我国三次产业结构发生着不断的变化。

    Since the reform and opening-up in China , the three-industry structure of China changes constantly with the endless entry of FDI .

  21. 随后,仍然利用前面用过的模型分析外商直接投资对上海市三次产业结构的影响。

    It still uses the previously used model for analysis of the influence of foreign direct investment to Shanghai three industrial structures .

  22. 本文的研究对我国三次产业结构的调整和优化,促进三次产业平衡发展具有一定的参考价值。

    The research of this thesis has the certain reference value about the adjustment and optimization the three times industrial structure of our country .

  23. 然而也存在一些问题,例如当地三次产业结构不够合理,生态状况不断恶化等等。

    However , there are some problems , such as the local industrial structure is unreasonable , the deteriorating ecological conditions and so on .

  24. 我国三次产业结构日趋合理,在华外商直接投资在其中起到了积极和消极两方面的作用。

    The three industry structure of China is more and more rationalization , and the FDI in China has active and negative effects on it .

  25. 第四部分通过引入近十年的数据对湖北省三次产业结构的进行总体分析,主要是对三次产业的现状分析,进而发现产业结构存在的问题。

    The fourth part makes an overall analysis of the industry structure in Hubei province , emphasizes on the existing problems of the industry structure .

  26. 根据偏离-份额分析方法、回归模型定量地分析了重庆市经济增长与三次产业结构之间的关系。

    This paper analyzes the relationship between economic development and industrial structure quantitatively according to deviating from-share analysis and regression model of3 times industry situation .

  27. 归纳总结了世界石化企业和其他行业在第三次产业结构调整中实行兼并、重组及联合的一些新情况。

    Giving a summary of some new conditions of annexing , recomposing and merging in third industrial structure adjustment of world 's petrochemical enterprises and other trades .

  28. 产业结构调整特别是第一、二、三次产业结构关系的调整,是十一五时期经济结构调整的重点。

    Industrial structure adjustment especially the adjustment of the three industries structure relation , is a focal point of economic restructuring of " the eleventh-five " period .

  29. 第五章主要在前几章分析的基础上,指出浙江产业结构调整的重点:一是解决三次产业结构偏差,促使产业结构更加合理化;

    The fifth chapter refers to the adjustment emphasis of industrial structure : Firstly , resolves distort of three industrial structure , makes the industrial structure more rationalization .

  30. 这些特点的背后是三次产业结构演进相对超前和工业内部结构演进相对滞后。

    All these characteristics illustrate that the development of the three industries is ahead of time , while the development of internal industrial structure is comparatively lagged behind .